The Jug and plastic bag system of storing, displaying, selling and dispensing fresh milk was...
Most Viewed Letters
We have so many memories, that I don't know where to start. We were so young when we first met...
Dear Randolph Board of Education Members:
Based on Tuesday’s Board of Education meeting,...
Open letter to the man who couldn't be father,
I remember loving you as family. Every goal, dream, every future thought had you in it. Whether...
Dear Damian Lillard,
This letter is from a really big fan who witness you drop 51 ppg...
One day, just like that, you were gone, and before I knew it I couldn't even recognize myself...
I was in love with this real nigga but he died... Secretly feeling these feelings for his homie...
Color guard, the art of dancing, acting and tossing things in the air, all while striving for...
Dear Hollywood,
I exist. You may be surprised to know that over the past 35 years, I have lived. I have found...
You ruined me, your brought me down in every single way. For some reason I didn't want to leave...
I’m tired of loving you
It drains and consumes me
You take all my kindness and turn...
When I was a child, like many other children, I learned that drugs are wrong. They are not...
To the first boy I every truly cared about; you had been my best friend, the only person I had...
Have you lived, loved and learned, and reached the step where you want your ex, or maybe your ex...