
I don't know where to start, and I don't have much to say. This will be short, but if it can reach you somehow, some way, I hope you realize it. I was young, you had a sister my age. Did you creep in your sisters bed too? Did you steal her childhood innocence, or did your head allow you to draw boundaries somewhere? Did you realize what you did to me was wrong? Or, were you too, wronged when you were a boy, and felt compulsion, need and desire? Privileged. That's how you grew up to outsiders. Maybe your home life wasn't perfect, guess what? Mine wasn't either. And yet I've never felt the need to rip away the innocence of a child. Secrets. You made me promise to never tell. Maybe I thought I was special? Loved? Wronged? Hurt? I can't tell you what I was feeling, because I...
The Most famous of the 6 murders: Jack Wheeler age 66 was found in a landfill but never reported missing. This link gives the details of his disappearance and last days on Earth. But recent disclosures by a former federal agent whistle blower exiled in China show some links of 6 murder victims to Enron insider trades and Panama bank accounts at Morgan...
" There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds" -Laurell K Hamilton It is a cruel world we live in, ruled by men; where the female voice is little or no use. We all have come across someone who has been ripped away with their right to speak , their right to stand up for themselves and their right to be the little girl they were. We all know someone who has been through hell on earth, ripped away from their childhood for the needs of inconsiderate sexual predators. We all know that one person who cries herself to sleep at night because she can't shake off what happened to her, the girl who sits in a corner and thinks about how life would be in the future, the girl who has scars on her arms and legs from all the...
Man Who Ruined My Life: Doug Stoner, Thank you for being so low to abuse me when I was three. My mother trusted you and you took it upon yourself to drag me through the house by my hair that was past my butt. And when my mom asked why I was already asleep and why I had bruises, you said I fell off my bed? Good thing she didn’t buy that. Still to this day I cannot talk about it. After the incident, Mom said I didn’t play with my toys for weeks. I couldn’t tell her because every time I imagined myself telling her, there were your threats screaming in the back of my head. “I’ll kill her if you tell.” Well guess what, I did. And we’re alive, without your help. I remember finally telling my mom what you did to me. She broke out in tears. My papa held her and me in his arms...
This letter is a rebuttal to Joe Eskenazi’s 3/23/16 article, “Alex Nieto Was Not Killed by Gentrification – It’s Worse Than That,” his reaction to Rebecca Solnit’s 3/21/16 Guardian article on the Nieto case, “Death by Gentrification – the Killing that Shamed San Francisco.” Eskenazi’s armchair analysis of Alex Nieto’s mental health is off base, patronizing, and completely in lockstep with the District Attorney/SFPD media blitz undermining Alex Nieto’s credibility from Day #1. Most objectionable, Eskenazi concludes that Alex died, not as a consequence of faulty police decisions and excessive use of force, but due to the failure of San Francisco’s mental health services. Eskenazi gives readers his irresponsible “ruling” based not on the preponderance of actual evidence presented at trial...
To the person or people in Cosmo Beauty on North Ave this morning who took $1,000 from my wallet; I don't know you and you don't know me, but as oxymoronic as it sounds, I don't think we will ever forget each other. Little did you know that I had been looking forward to this day for a few weeks. I had a day off and It was my payday- not just any payday either. My coworkers and I made our monthly bonus (which we hadn't since August) and I had worked overtime shifts- it was a GREAT paycheck. This morning I went to the bank to withdraw a portion from my husband's and my joint account to put into my personal account to last me the next 2 weeks at a different bank. I left the bank feeling like a straight baller with 11 crisp $100 bills in my wallet. I picked up a few groceries and some...
Star players get away with everything or at least that's how the system is set up to see I don't know the man who made my life do a 360 within two days. I mean of course I seen him in the hallways a couple of times it's hard to miss a 6 foot 4 African-American star player. It was hard for me to miss him walking through the hallways. But it was pretty easy for detectives so not see him. My middle school days were a little rough I didn't put as much time and effort into school as my peers. When I graduated eighth grade buy a complete surprise I didn't attend graduation I got my diploma and left. I was determined to make high school the best years of my life. Meeting friends going to prom graduating all of those things where my bigger picture. I wasn't even thinking about college...
14/03/16 Dear Bishop Dakin, If you put down the phone when I ask for justice and a voice, I will write and I will write my letters for the general public to view, as I have been doing for three years now. This is an imperfect letter, written during my assignment time and wasting precious and valuable time. I am autistic, not insane. This morning I woke up from another night of nightmares and flashbacks and woke as usual seeing no point in life because of the level to which you have branded me. I phoned your office and as usual they put the phone down on me. I gather that they don't put the phone down on paedophiles and paedophile protectors who you have supported and kept in church positions in Jersey? No, of course they don't, in the same way that you excluded me from your...
You were my brother. Not in blood, but in spirit. You were who I came to with everything. Advice on love, untested jokes, news of any kind. But most of all I came to you with trust. We all did...Hell, you were dating one of my best friends. You WERE one of my best friends. And that's what's made this all that much harder. It's a funny thing about rape - it doesn't just affect the parties involved. It shakes the community surrounding those parties to the core. My two best friends were connected to you in such an intimate, your recent ex of years, and the other, your victim. The obvious question is "What were you thinking!?", but it goes so much deeper than that. So many tears have run down my face since that day. Tears for her pain. Tears for the pain...
THE BACKSTORY: Our teacher/student nightmare began in November 2014 when many who knew of the female teacher's criminal behavior, but refused to acknowledge it...
