When preparing to do your laundry ensure that the white clothing is separated from the black in order to avoid cross contamination, I mean cross colouration.
I used to dream about being Caucasian.
In these daydreams I could picture the privilege pricking through my skin, the probing hands retracting from my hair, my body becoming just that…a body, the word chocolate becoming a synonym for Dairy Milk instead of a supposedly beautiful black girl.
In my mind and in the minds of black girls all over the globe, being white meant being accepted. No, being white MEANS being accepted. People are washing machines. We remain trapped in cycles, with the same settings (or ideologies): one of which is the normal setting. The normal setting is white. Another of which is the “anything other...
At its annual meeting at Shaw University Divinity School in Raleigh, NC, African American Presidents and Deans of theological schools in the United States issued a call for action in light of the current state of social justice in the United States of America.
One of our leaders, a founding member of the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), noted that the socio-economic and political realities that led to the establishment of SNCC at Shaw University 54 years ago are actually eclipsed by the realities of this day. In 1960 there were lynchings and robe-wearing Klansmen. Today lynchings occur, but in different forms. Klansmen today bivouac without robes and hoods. Slavery still exists but under the auspices of a prison industrial complex. Discrimination thrives, with no...
I don't really know how to start this letter, I have a lot to say and I will probably use this as a therapy.
I like to see myself as an eternal optimist and I know I am, but I also had to admit, lately I feel depress and desperate and it's been going on for about 3 months.
First, not having any kind of support since I arrived for my studies early in 2020 is something very difficult. The lack of family support is something I already knew but finding yourself, following your dreams and trying to achieve your goals without this support during Covid-19 is very heartbreaking. I knew when I decided to be an entrepreneur and follow entrepreneurship program that my journey will be difficult with loneliness but what I experienced lately is so much more than my expectations. They all have...
Open Letter to the Kettle Moraine School District:
On the issue of separation of church and state; double-standards of indoctrinating false religion through Critical Race Theory, climate alarmism, and the LGTBQIA+ agenda.
Day in and day out in the daily announcements to the students and the parents of the Kettle Moraine School District, social justice and progressive agendas are shoved down the throats of local families. There’s no prayer allowed in schools yet worshipping the agendas of what has grown into their own religious sect is Critical Race Theory, climate alarmism, and the LGTBQIA+ agenda. These agendas tell our impressionable youth that there is something inherently wrong with them based on their skin color, belief system, or that they are something they are not (a...
Miguel Cardona
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20202
Dear Secretary of Education,
I am writing this letter to you in hopes that the education system will be completely transformed in the next few years. In the last two decades U.S. students have scored poorly on the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), and its results have shown in the PIAAC (Programme for the International of Adult Competencies). For a country that considers itself “developed”, we are being overtaken by some “underdeveloped” countries. Our education system is stagnant with little to no positive growth over the past few decades. Lower income communities and school districts have not benefited from past attempts to resurrect and improve the education system...
Dear Teachers,
First of all, thank you. It would be impossible for me to be the man I am today without your help. From Ms. Bailey in pre-K to Professor Senn in college, all of you have helped me and hundreds of other students grow not only academically, but through your character and deviation, have helped us grow into better people. Being the enabler, or facilitator of a child or adolescent’s education is by no means an easy task, and we, your students, give you thanks for your sacrifice and patience.
If you were to ask any child, teenager, or adult to draw a picture of “education,” what would they draw? Chances are, they would draw a classroom. More specifically though, you would have trouble finding a picture that doesn’t include desks, a whiteboard, or a teacher standing of a...
Dear Americans,
The history we have been taught throughout school is wrong. We have been taught misconceptions and they have led to American people being ignorant about historical figures and events. Did you know only 38% of American people know that the cause of the Civil War was slavery? Compare this to only 8% of high school seniors who can identify slavery as the main cause of the Civil War. When we see controversies coming into popularity such as the taking down of confederate statues or renaming of schools with names of confederate soldiers, there is an obvious lack of information when it comes to backing up arguments. If you are led believe that the people in the South were just fighting for “states’ rights” and that slavery had little to do with the confederate’s cause, of course...
Dear Prime Minister,
Sir, My name is Animesh Rajput. I am class 12th student who is voicing the concern of lakhs of students across India. Today, on 24th may 2021 more then 2.5 lakh cases comes daily and approximately 4000 people died. Experts are saying that students are in danger of third wave which is deadly for students. I hope, you can feel the pain, stress...
Shri Narendra modi Ji,
Hon’ble Prime Minister of India
Government of India,
New Delhi
My name is Animesh Rajput. I am class 12th student who is voicing the concern of lakhs of students across India. Today, on 24th may 2021 more then 2.5 lakh cases comes daily and approximately 4000 people died. Experts are saying that students are in danger of third wave which is deadly for students. I hope, you can feel the pain, stress...
Dear future students,
Thinking about your future is perhaps one of the most important steps you have to take, and it should never be a decision that you make without thinking about it first. If you are an athlete, then the stakes are even higher. As a good athlete, looking for opportunities to not only work on your education but on your sports skills as well, you will have to think about the scholarships that you might be granted and thus kill two birds with one stone.
But this might be easier said than done, as finding the right scholarship is not an easy task, especially if you take your competition into account. This is precisely why there are different things that you need to bear in mind before actually finding the scholarship that you want to pursue. First of all, you need to...