
Dear Entertainment Industry, I woke up this morning to a tide of 'leaked' videos and pictures from the set of the Suicide Squad movie. Now I have no particular interest in this film but I get more passionate about leaked content and excessive advertising of products. The public is inundated with constant tidbits to keep them interested across periods of time which often amount to over a year and it has become very tiring. Of course not all of these are intentional and it is sad to think that paparazzi will be lingering around films sets and locations in order to sell some photographs or footage. The Suicide Squad movie seems like the perfect example of this, as constant bits of information and footage from filming is being shown. If someone was to actively follow this then...
I don't have anything against the singer Taylor Swift per say. She's a hugely successful artist and seems to be generous in sharing her success and helping other musicians, which is admirable when you compare it to the likes of Justin Bieber and Chris Brown, who just seem to be content with buying a ridiculous amount of the same expensive cars and committing minor felonies. However my problem is that she's just not that good of a singer and I'm pretty tired of being force fed her antics all over the place. This came to a head after all the ridiculous hype for her latest video 'Bad Blood'...hype which seems entirely misplaced as I finally gave in and watched the video for it and was entirely unimpressed. Other than the fact that the video is a rip of Sin City, nothing particularly...
Dear George, I wanted to begin by congratulating you on a wonderful film. I went with a group of my friends to watch Mad Max: Fury Road, I was expecting the film to be one long chase movie and I wasn't disappointed! But the reason I am writing this is not to praise you solely for managing to maintain a great level of action for over a 2 hour period - a very impressive feat. Rather for the way you portrayed the characters, especially the female ones. What I mean by this is that we are all entirely used to the gender norms and roles in movies, but Fury Road manages to abandon these stereotypes and Charlize's Theron's Furiosa is likely to be seen by many as the actual lead in the film. It is refreshing to see a strong female lead who genuinely looks as though she could take care of...
To the film studios who create superhero movies, I love a good superhero movie, and there have been plenty of them over recent years! We all know that the likes of Christopher Nolan's Batman reinvigorated not only the Batman franchise but nearly all other superhero franchises that have ever existed. But the reoccurring question that myself and a lot of fans are asking is whether you can get too much of a good thing and what are you going to do to prevent this? Why do I write this now? Well with an image just realised of Warner Brother's Suicide Squad in full getup, the internet is alight with excitement. With the addition of Jared Leto to this image of 9 other actors it is fair to say that WB are adopting an all-in approach! Marvel have been using a slow-burner strategy to tease and...
Dear BollywoodLife, First of all being an aspiring and wannabe Journalist I follow all media companies, Page 3 magazines, online news sites etc. I read newspapers of all areas on a regular basis. Let me tell you I dont read it like other people do, I read it as a story book. Trust me if You ask me to repeat the entire article verbally I can exactly say all that is written on it even after reading it once. Such engrossed I am over it. But having noticed your media group for quite sometime now I want to say something. Isn't the first thing to be taught in Journalism refers to Unbiasness? I guess everyone is told that you can have your own favourites, likes and dislikes but you just can't openly engage in portraying your choices in public reflecting them through your articles....
Hey Jim Schembri, you offend my sensibilities. Who in the world gave you the right to sit in judgment of, or even have a partial say in anything? Why hasn't anyone with half a brain and all the power have you tied up, bound and gagged, tarred and feathered and brutally impaled? How is it that your awful shit gets published week in, week out while so many hopeful modern classics or sub-cultures humbly seeking wider recognition suffer miserably at the loathsome hands of your slithering, venomous pen and eventually die a harrowing death? Your vulgar prose and cultural tunnel vision turn every letter in your stagnant articles into an inky, repugnant hemlock which seeps into the pupils and pollutes the minds of any wide-eyed aspiring journos and media types - soon to be studio grunts...
I think is fair to say that for a large proportion of today's population, Disney animated Classics are and always will be an integral part of childhood. The beauty of them being that they are timeless. As a child of '96 it goes without saying that I was not alive when the bulk of these films were released.Nevertheless I did of course get to see them all and I'm sure I could say the same for the majority of my generation.I was dismayed when I first heard that Cinderella was being re-made as live action. Re-imagined. Modernised. Ruined. Now I hear Beauty and the Beast, The Jungle Book and Mulan* to name a few are now also to be re-made in live action. *(I am aware there is already a Chinese live action version.However it is more of a historically based feature than a kid's film) In...
Dear, I began playing World of Warcraft in 2004, and she has been the most memorable video game of my life. World of Warcraft wasn’t just a game, it was a living and breathing world populated by a dear community of friends. No matter who you were offline, in this world of Warcraft, you were one of its fantastic inhabitants writing your own story. I was a Night Elf priest who traveled across this beautifully massive world awed by the Stoicism of Desolace, the lost pride of the Arathi Highlands, and the subtle quant of Feralas. WoW didn’t force set objectives, instead, it was an open world to explore and endear. You could spend your days exploring the niches of each zone or become the Guild Master that led the attack on Blackwing Lair. Other than the implied goal of growing...
Dear authors, I love a good spy novel. In my mind, spy novels are a sub-genre (or at a related genre) of thrillers, another type of book I love. I also love Russia and anything Russia-related. So, as you can imagine, a spy/thriller involving Russia just about makes me swoon with delight. What makes it even more amazing is the occasional Russian word or phrase inserted here and there, but don’t worry, this certainly isn’t required. However, one thing that really, really cuts into my enjoyment of a good solid spy novel is factual inaccuracies. I specifically speak of those relating to Russia. One factual inaccuracy I often encounter is reference to the KGB in a modern (that is, post 1990s) context. Look, I get it. The KGB was big and bad, and you think the modern Russian...
Dear Mr. Nicholas Sparks, I am a fan. I read your books and I enjoy your movies. They make me feel a range of emotions from hope, to joy, to sorrow. Your work has been an escape from reality for me ever since I experienced The Notebook as a teenager. I never expected to feel personally attacked and belittled by the work of a creative mind that I have so enjoyed. During my junior year of college, my mom shared one of your books, The Longest Ride, with me. She figured that I would enjoy some lighter reading before the studying for finals picked up and that I would be able to connect with the main female character, Sophia, since we were of similar ages. I enjoyed every second of the book, until I reached the scene where the two young love interests, Sophia and Luke, have dinner with...
