Dear Travis Kalanick, CEO of Uber,
Not so long ago your company was going so totally...
Dear Travis Kalanick, CEO of Uber,
Not so long ago your company was going so totally...
Dear Bro Shkreli,
Bro! How’s it bro-ing, bro? The bros are worried about you! Look, no bro...
Dear Daniel Tosh,
According to this blogger, you've got some serious explaining to do...
Dear College Seniors,
Graduating college is a blessing and a curse. I’m here to tell you...
Dear Sen. Sanders,
In the latest news there are reports that President Obama plans to...
Dear Senator Sanders,
My family comes from middle-class roots. Both of my grandfathers — ...
Dear American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics:
According to a recent article on...
Dear Gareth,
I call you Gareth as I feel as if I know you, even though I have never met...
Dear Morgan Freeman,
I’d like to start off this letter by saying that I am a fan of your...
Dear Beloved Coffee Haunts,
I am so grateful that many of you offer soy, almond, coconut...