
Dear Notions of Society, A common misconception and assumption that most humans believe is that the world is fueled by order. Without order, the backbone and pillars of a single nation would collapse under its’ own common enemy that strives to create anarchy and by doing so, helps set off the balance of our underlying principles. I believe this same supposition arises when considering the mental illness of others, and in particular, the stigma aroused from OCD. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, commonly referred to as OCD, is a mental illness that causes significant distress through the forms of obsessively interesting thoughts, followed by actions based on over compulsiveness. If you live in the U.S, 1 in 40 individuals are affected by this illness; which roughly calculates to...
Well well well, where do I start. I'll skip the niceties I think and get on with what I've come here to say. I was going to write about the chaos and frustration you have brought in to my life along with the fear and heartbreak, but then again I'm sure you've heard all of that before, so I took a step back and thought again about what else you have brought in to my life. As I sit here in isolation after taking my radioactive iodine treatment I have had plenty of time to assess and think about what I have learnt about this whirlwind experience that I've been swept up in over the past few months. I have learnt that I am stronger than I thought. Even though everyone tells you this because it's one of those cliché make the cancer patient feel better lines, I have come to appreciate that...
We have been called to action. We are broken. We are angry. We are hurting. We are confused. And yes, we are in denial. To the student athletes involved: I forgive you. I do not speak for everyone, but I am not foolish enough to suppress memories of days I was once reckless and careless- despite the strong moral foundation my parents ( black and white) created for me. I hope you take this experience as an opportunity to blossom into honorable men. You have just begun to navigate this life— choose your words and your actions wisely. To the parents of the student athletes : I forgive you. I do not see the hope for you- that I do for your children - so I will not waste much time lamenting on the responsibilities you have been gifted. For some, your foundations are rooted in...
December 31, 2017 Dear World (and everyone kind enough to read this till the very end), Before the year ends and starts anew, I'd like to shed some light on a religious and moral issue rampant on our globe (since apparently that's not going anywhere). From the clouds and heavens up above, it all comes down to The-Dark-Ages-old (and possibly older) question: Does Religion, or dare I say does a specific church, own "Morality"? And by extension, assumes that those who don't belong in that group are inherently immoral and evil and whatnot... Short version of the answer? NO, not necessarily. Maybe it did, culturally speaking, during the time when people hunted down, fought against and burned other people alive at stakes, all in the name of the "One True God" (a.k.a. the times...
I define myself as a fully gay man, I have been since I have memory and the biggest struggle of my life has been LOVE. I only recall being in love once, probably still to that man, in a more platonic-first love kind of way, but it is a nail I still carry in my heart. It all ended up in an awful kind of way, it broke my heart and and I have not recovered yet. All my next attempts at finding love have been a replacement to replace the hole that person left behind. As you can imagine it went awfully as well, they were not based on real feelings but as a painkiller to a much bigger pain. When I thought I found someone pain, doubts and trust issues emerged... I just hate it, I hate feeling this way. Is love real? Will I find love? I just want someone....
Letter to Westlake Moms: When I was little, I used to think that adults had it all together. Everyone older than me seemed so mature, so wise, so omniscient. It took me a long time to realize how lost some are. How some parents can be so cruel to those who don’t fit their standards. The “bad eggs”, the “wild ones”, the kids to steer their children away from. It confuses me, you see, because I was labeled as one of the bad kids. I was one of the kids that people knew as a negative influence on others, as a mess no one wanted to get into. I was a kid who was practically shunned from her community, who was gossiped about by middle aged mothers stuck reliving high school. Because I was the kid with an abusive father. But I am more than my last name. And I am more than the negative,...
A letter to a stranger who would listen Hi stranger, You’re not anyone I know. I don’t know how you look like, how your life has been, what gender you are, what types of personality you have and how you are doing presently. Asking for a little of your time to understand a stranger as me would be too much of nuisance for you perhaps. But, I believe that you had a preparation for this beforehand, am I right? If you make your way to this sentence, I think that I’m right. Have you ever wondered for reliability among human beings? Have you ever been in a relationship that you’ve sacrificed and suffered because of the mistreat of trust? Are you hurting? Are you weeping? Have you ever wished to talk to a stranger? Once? Twice? Uncountable? I have lost my way with friendships. Phew! That...
Dear Survivors of all forms of abuse, My heart aches for the pain, none of which was your fault, you have experienced and endured. I wish I could take the agony away. I wish you were never mistreated. I have zero tolerance for what has been inflicted on you. I understand in those moments you have never felt more alone, terrified, hurt, confused, ashamed, violated, vulnerable, unloveable, less than, worthless, voiceless and powerless. You are not alone. The shame isn't yours to carry. You are worthy. You are lovable. You are courageous, stronger and more powerful than you believe. I understand how you feel your experiences have changed your inner self. I understand how you question if you will ever feel emotionally and physically safe. I see you. I hear you. I understand...
Dear Survivors of all forms of abuse, My heart is aches for the pain, none of which was your fault, you have experienced and endured. I wish I could take the agony away. I wish you were never mistreated. I have zero tolerance for what has been inflicted on you. I understand in those moments you have never felt more alone, terrified, hurt, confused, ashamed, violated, vulnerable, unloveable, less than, worthless, voiceless and powerless. You are not alone. The shame isn't yours to carry. You are worthy. You are lovable. You are courageous, stronger and more powerful than you believe. I understand how you feel your experiences have changed your inner self. I understand how you question if you will ever feel emotionally and physically safe. I see you. I hear you. I...
Dear Cancer, You are a horrible disgusting thing that destroys everything in your path. Whenever you get your teeth in to someone all you do is cause death and destruction. Everybody hates you and no one wants you around. How can we keep you from infecting our friends and families? It all starts with the diagnosis which always feels like a death sentence. Leaving the infected person (now called the patient) feeling alone and scared. The patient’s family rallies around them but you make them feel like no one can help them. Then comes the treatment and if you don’t kill them that will to. The patient fights with all they have trying to overcome everything you throw at it. The feel weak and tired have no appetite and only want to sleep. Then comes the chemo and they can’t...
