
Here's an open letter to the father of my child: From the moment I met you I thought you were perfect. Everything i ever wanted. You were sweet, kind, caring, loyal, and even called in the middle of the night just so you could hear my voice. I thought I had everything. I thought I was lucky. But to my amazement you were nothing what I thought. Your sweet personality turned into victimizing every situation. Your kind words turned in to harsh statements and put downs. Your caring ways were not so caring and everything that was loyal about you disappeared. Our relationship was going downhill fast and everyone saw it but me. I was in love. I was blind. But you weren't, and you saw everything first hand. I began pushing everyone away. I no longer had friends. I no longer had a...
There was a time in my life that I though you were the greatest man alive. I got pregnant with your child while we were both still children ourselves. I was scared, devestated and so mad at myself. You made things okay. You promised you would be there. You promised that we would make it. My first mistake was believing you. You kept your promise for awhile. You stuck by my side through the cravings, and the roller-coaster emotions, you held my hand through the delivery, you woke up with her at night, changed her diapers, worked to help support her. You were perfect. I was so grateful that you were there to help me, I was so grateful that our daughter had a family. Despite everything I had thought the day I took that pregnancy test, I was happy. I had my own little family and life was good...
You need to know most importantly that you; my dear beautiful daughter, saved my life. I could have never prepared enough for you. No amount of parenting books or classes could have prepared my world to be ready for your beautiful soul. From the moment you entered this world I knew you were going to save my life. The joy you give my heart on a daily basis is still too much for me to fathom most days. Watching you grow, laugh, cry, learn, radiate, it still leaves new in awe. Before you I never knew that I could love so deeply or that I could feel every single emotion through another soul like it was my own. You make me proud evwet second of every day. You are my strength and my motivation and I couldn't be more thankful you were placed in my life. I love you more than words could ever...
At first, I did not believe this but since I had a 3 hour layover at Atlanta Hartsfield, I decided to look at every link. If you do the same, maybe you too will want to move to Canada! Source: (All the links below are active at the source link as of today) American leaders are forever wagging their fingers and bashing China for things they do themselves, (like prison factories, torture of political prisoners etc.) It's time people know that the American government deletes and hundreds of web sites and threads every year, or otherwise "redirects" any negative links that exposes government corruption or war crimes. China simply blocks them from view locally in...
Dear Oldest Brother, If you asked me 3 years ago what i thought about you i would've said "a terrible brother" "so rude" "can't wait until you move out" and at 18 you moved out. I can't explain the change that happened between us. Its like i went from hating you to missing you and finally realizing i need you. We had so many fights between the 3 of us but when you left and it was only the 2 of us it didn't feel right. now 2 years since you have moved and you have a family. you've become the best oldest brother a sister could ask for, and an amazing dad. you still come around every week and i can't tell you how much i love seeing you. i've come to realize we have more in common than i thought and we should've taken the time as kids to get to know each other. i remember when we...
Dear my bestest friend, i love you so much it hurts. i think about all our memories and i have no idea what i would do without you. i know that when we grow up we're gonna look back at all our memories and wish we could go back to those days. we may have our fights but at the end of the day there's no one else i'd rather call my best friend. that title means so much. it means that we share a connection that we share with no other person, it means trust, it means love and it means letting your guard down and letting someone see the real you. when i think of that title there's no doubt in my mind it'll always be you. I can promise you that i'll love you to the day i die. All the nights spent staying up, eating about a million popsicles in a row, eating pizza, s.o.s. (sauce on sunday),...
Dear mommy, its been a few years. ive grown up so much and only wish that you were here to watch me. When you first left it didnt really effect me that much, maybe it was because i was pretty young and didnt really think about it like i do now. I love you so much.. i just wonder if you love me like i love you, i sit and wonder if you even think about me. i wonder where you are, how you are, if your even alive, sometimes i wonder if you even remember me. Every day i find myself saying something that you would say, or ill say something and my voice will sound exactly like yours or ill look in the mirror at myself and i look just like you. Im not mad that you chose drugs over me, maybe i was at first but after a while i just felt overpowering sadness. I have this hole in my heart where your...
Dear Aarit, You are 14 months and 2 days old today and as you grow up day by day I wish you'd never grow up. While every mother wants her child to grow up to become a wonderful person I might sound very strange not wanting you to grow up. It's not that I doubt you but I just love the way you are now, a beautiful child who is just enjoying every moment of his life. A child who is carefree of this world, a child who is daring, curious, and one who loves exploring. I have seen you loving everyone without any judgements, you smile at everyone welcome them with open arms. Just yesterday you met someone in the elevator the person was not even looking at you, you still waved 'HI' to him and that guy burst into a smile, at that time I thought you just made his day. You see we humans need to be...
To The Father of my Son, I hate how things have come to this. Not even able to speak about our sons care but I would like to point out they I have kept a dignified silence up until this point in time. I have not plastered my feelings on Facebook or other social media to cause you harm as you have done to me, and I have never once stopped you seeing our gorgeous boy. The You are the only person who knows how it felt when Our baby came into this world so poorly. In that box at the hospital being told he might not make it. You saw me laid on the operating table terrified at what was going on but desperate to get our baby here safe. You made me feel like I failed when he wasn't healthy and perfect. But he is healthy and perfect now. And I understand that you left me and not him...
I still think about you every day that will never change. But what will is the guilt that stayed with me for two years about how everything was ended between us. you loved me no matter what you helped me learn things that i appreciate so much such as how to throw a good punch and how to throw a football. Being the only girl in on the street the boys were brutile to me and i took it and then you a scrawny 12 year old boy stepped in, in a good way helping me learn how to handle myself. make me tougher than i already was. Later in high school my first year you where a sophomore. you walked home with us every day and everyday you would text me in class when i would tell you something was bothering me. you always said the right thing to shut my loud mouth up and you always calmed me down. i...
