An open letter to all Environmentalists,
“Renewable” energy sources are awful. So many people rave over how “good they are for the environment”, or that they are “cheaper and more efficient”. Unfortunately, this is simply not the case, Renewable sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric do massive damage to the environment and have the poorest efficiency ratings of all available power sources.
One of the most agreed upon power sources is hydroelectric, it makes use of a natural process and doesn’t require any dangerous chemicals or pollutants. However, there are a few significant problems. First, it is incredibly expensive. Costing billions of dollars to install, it will take many years to recoup the initial cost. Secondly, the production of power is completely dependent on the...
Dear Muslims,
I see and understand that you are mistreated, and it is not your fault, it is unfair for you to not be treated like a human. It is not right to just take away someones self worth and dehumanize them, someone has to stop this and say something they need to stand up for you. I believe that you have as much worth as me and that someone should never make you feel not enough for them because you are enough for them. I know that it is probably hard to be hopeful and being invisible but you are not you matter to a lot of people, you matter to me. It is unfair to be treated like an other because the way you are born or what you believe in.
They way you look doesn't define who you are. You are not invisible, and you shouldn't feel that way because many people value you. People...
Bueno, descubri que soy bisexual hace unos 9 meses aproximadamente por ahora solo mis mejores amigos lo saben, mi bisexualidad es rara porque yo no me veo en una relación sentimental con un hombre pero si con una mujer, pero me veo en un encuentro sexual con cualquiera de los 2, hay dos chicas en mi instituto que son lesbianas o bisexuales (no lo tengo claro) que se volvieron novias y todo el mundo se lo toma a bien y nadie le ve lo malo, en cambio si en mi caso digo que soy bisexual me harían bullying por "maricon" y la verdad tengo suficientes líos como para tener que vivir con eso y la verdad me gustaría decirlo y que alguien de mi mismo sexo me besara solo por la experiencia y probar algo distinto pero me siento en un ambiente presionado y poco abierto con el lgbt con los hombres. UN...
Jet Holder
The issue of bullying is a big problem not only in books and in movies, but is a huge real life problem. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), around 4,400 kids commit suicide because they are severely bullied every day. This is horrible and shocking and kids who are victim to bullying, bullies, schools, and the kids parents should do more to end this. The issue of bullying was brought to my attention through the novel The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie. Throughout the novel, the main character Junior is bullied very often and this example is not only in the book, but in real life as well.
In The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, Junior is bullied a lot. He is bullied for how he looks...
To Woodstock/Oxford County,
I am writing this not to satisfy my own agenda but to make myself apart of yours.
Our city needs a compost/green bin system.
There are multiple municipalities who have implemented this system and evidently reaped the benefits. Also, said municipalities are double, triple and maybe even quadruple our size yet still manage to collect it all, so why couldn't we?
As our city grows so does our waste.
A compost system would allow for the reduction of greenhouse gasses which would put Woodstock on the map for being environmentally responsible.
The environment we live in is directly affected by our actions.
It is time for this community to do our part in protecting the environment we have so that my generation and the generations after me have the same...
Dear every human being ever,
Through school, I'm sure many of you have learned about the ecosystem and a good amount at that. Most of you may have even had projects about it! However, you probably haven't tried to fix the problems.
Let me get straight to the point. People are destroying the ecosystem at every moment. From poaching black bears to throwing a plastic bag away, the ecosystem is getting constantly destroyed little by little. Animals once so common like bees are becoming few, and with the other things are dying too. Food like fruit or honey is becoming harder to produce, and predators are dying, but prey are blooming. Some animals are harder to find and there are not enough to support other animals, but there are some that are overcrowding the area, which then lowers the...
The news is so some people. To me, a junior in college, it's irrelevant. At least it use to be.
Three days before classes started, I had to schedule one more class to have the minimum credits to start off my semester. Easy. I thought "I'll take an easy genEd get an A, maybe boost my GPA a little bit."
Fast forward and here I am week 6 writing this letter.
I sat in class today listening to my professor go on and on about climate change and why it's happening. Sitting there doodling in my notebook until he puts on the typical "save the environment" movie we watch almost every class.
I shut my notebook, looked up, and began to actually pay attention. This man from the Maldives comes on discussing the history of his country. He begins to talk about the...
Dear Supreme Court of the United States of America,
I am writing this to change the law behind owning wild animals. Although we have laws set in most states behind owning wild animals, the law given is vague, and people have found loopholes through it. We must revise this law so that nobody has the opportunity to own such animals without a license or proper care. I am writing this because I feel like we, as the people of the United States, do not give enough attention to elephant in the room, literally.
I take this issue personally. As an individual who owns exotic pets, both tame and domestic, I get backlash for having them. Animals that associate mankind as companions and caretakers are labeled as killers or creatures incapable of caring. There is a hidden hysteria to this...
Dear Councillors,
We are writing in support of the motion being put forward by Cllr Lee Hunt and Cllr Rob Wood on Tuesday 13th February entitled (11c) Notice of Motion – Reducing the use of single-use plastics in Portsmouth.
2018 has seen a major shift in attitudes towards single-use plastics (SUPs) and as the UK’s Premier Waterfront City it is important that the Council develops a robust strategy to tackle the related issues and leads by example.
We would also like to ask that the Council includes, as part of the motion, to work towards gaining Surfers Against Sewage’s Plastic Free City/Coastline status, so that the city can be recognised for the work that is being done in this area.
To do this, five objectives need to be met:
1. Local Governance - Local Council passes...
To me, art is everything that cannot be expressed in a straightforward way, being expressed in alternative methods. Alternative methods being poetry, drawings, music, posters, letters, plays, movies, b-boying, dance, etc. The list as to what can be defined as art is honestly a long and ongoing one, especially because everyone has their own mindset and perspectives. That being said, everyone can and probably had a specific and different idea of what art is.
And although I know that laws and rules are there for the protection of the people and their rights, the smaller more rebellious side of me, something a little different. It believes that for the purpose of creating a voice for themselves against oppression, one may sometimes be lead to breaking the laws. Not in all aspects, but in...