
There is no need to wonder about your future employer in China if you are an ESL or TEFL expat foreign teacher. 2,000 of your colleagues have completed a teacher survey and have rated 1,569 out of 4,870 schools and learning centers as "fair, ethical, and honorable". So before you send off your resume or sign a contract, check in here and see how your future employer has been rated. The CFTU also maintains a blacklist of shady agents, unlicensed schools, etc. which can be found at Other suggested reading for those inbound to China includes:
Til den siddende regeringen Jeg er en ung mand på de 26 år, som endelig har fundet sig en uddannelse som lige er mig, og som jeg gerne vil. Men, jeg mangler penge!!! Kunne i måske ikke give mig bare én måned af jeres løn? Så kan jeg fokusere på at få en læreplads og blive færdiguddannet. Jeg startede på grundforløbet d. 18/1 2016, og da jeg er over de 25, skulle jeg jo have en realkompetence vurdering. En uge inde i grundforløbet får jeg så svar på denne vurdering, jeg skal have merit (tvunget merit) for næsten alt i grundforløbet. Dvs. at jeg kun skal gå i skole i 2,2 uger ud af de 20 uger. Mit skema er lavet sådan, at jeg ikke skal i skole i hele februar, maj, og juni. Så sådan som SU og den nye reform er strikket sammen, vil det sige at i de måneder, der kan jeg ikke få SU...
Dear freshman, I know you don't think you need any advice or counsel from some guy who is old enough to have a niece in college, but I am offering it to you anyway. When I was in your situation, I would have loved for a pastor to spend an hour with me and talk with me about what to expect and what to make priorities in my life for the next few years. But I was too afraid to ask. You might be too. So here, I am just going to do the next best thing for you, and that is share just a few thoughts that if considered and taken seriously may definitely help you to get off to a good start and head in the right direction. 1) Introduce yourself to as many people as you can on campus. Introduce yourself to the classmates you sit by. To your professors. To your professors' teaching assistants...
By stating that an institution contains "whiteness", are you not just enforcing the racial stereotypes that you state to be fighting against? Why does it matter if an institution is slightly more "white" in what it teaches and its makeup anyway? The nation it is in is made up of a majority of white people, so perhaps it is not surprise that it is a "white" institution, if it is that at all? The "white curriculum" you rally against is surely just a reflection of the best historical, scientific, mathematical etc thinking, and many of these thinkers just happen to be white. Why should their validity be any different because of their colour? In your authoritarian quest for racial "equality", you are just encouraging racism against thinkers regardless of the validity of their findings, just...
Only a day after the China Ministry of Education allowed 27 North China schools to close for 2 days during a heavy smog crisis, the CFTU issued their third in a series of URGENT HEALTH ALERTS, to warn teachers with asthma not to come to China, and if already in China to remain indoors with air filters and facemasks attached. Gregg Finch, one of the CFTU directors exlained: "At this point meteorologists and the U.S. embassy have agreed with leading pulmonologists that the air is now toxic and could indeed be fatal to those with acute asthma, and debilitating to those with any form of asthma". Every winter, China's 219 coal plants fire up on November 15th and and because dirty coal (high in sulfur content) is used to save money, gritty pollutants about 3-5 microns in size are spewed...
Idealization, devalue, and discard phases of a Narcissists relationship is something victims of the Narcissist are all too familiar with. To understand how Narcissist energy is acquired and maintained throughout a relationship is a first step to understanding and dealing with the aftermath of a Narcissist. How a Narcissist represents themselves to the public is different than how they view themselves from within and behind closed doors. They feel destroyed, they feel worthless, they are constantly struggling with this internal struggle of sense of false self vs reality. Therefore, their spouse or partner becomes their supply, providing them an outlet to feel worthy, to feel valued, and to be able to attempt to sustain these emotions that constantly play over and over in their minds...
Finding a foreign teaching job in China is quite easy. But finding one that pays more than $3,000 a month, with housing, and without scams is very difficult - unless you learn how to use databases. First, the CFTU maintains both a blacklist and white list of over 1,000 schools and iniversities and China job agents as well. Check them out at They also have the best and most accurate salary chart for China expats. The China Foreign Teachers Union was founded in 2010 and has over 6,000 members in China. Secondly, SAFEA (State Administration of Foreign Experts) a government agency keeps a list of all the schools that are authorized to hire foreign teachers, but many schools with bad reputations are on this list. But teachers who get job offers...
Dear Parents and Students, Waking up in the morning dreading going to school because you know your bully is waiting for you. The strange feeling you get in your stomach when you walk in the school hoping that they’re not around the corner.When you’re walking down the hall full speed with your head down so no one can see and be tempted to say something. Being bullied is the worst experience to go through, as a kid. Kids are bullied every single day and it doesn't just happen at school it can happen at home as well. Being a victim of bullying hurts way more then some people think. Being a bully is not just hurting someone physical but mentally as well. In grammar school I was talked about all the time. They would never hurt me physically but it still hurt. Going to class everyday...
This is a warning to anyone and everyone who is thinking about coming to China to work as a foreign teacher. Unless you already have an invitation letter from a public school, university, or a foreign based international school - STOP!!!!!!!!!!!! Do not take another step. You are walking through a minefield of scams. This link explains research we just conducted that proves 60% of all the online China job ads are frauds. 20% of the ads are posted by identity thieves who will cause you about $10,000 of grief and legal fees (to restore your good credit and keep you from being arrested in China) Read here for some insight
November 15, 2015 To the Governing members of the AOA and AOBIM: I am no one to you. I am a regular working physician, a hospitalist. I work the typical 7 days for 12 hours and then I am off for 7 days. On average, I see about 18-22 patients a day. My typical day begins around 4:30am, getting up and ready for the day. I arrive to work around 6am, get my census in line and get checkout from our night coverage. I then begin my rounds about 6:15am in the ICU and work my way from the sickest patients to the least sick patients. All of this occurs while juggling phone calls from nurses, pharmacists, and other doctors. I sometimes have to stop rounds to go to the ER to admit a patient. Sometimes, the rounding is interrupted by a rapid response or a code blue. Nonetheless, this goes...
