
Dear haters of chemistry, I hear your complaints all over the place like for example that you have to write a lot in chemistry class and that if you want to get a degree in something that has to do with chemistry it takes so long like 4 to 5 years or something like that.I am going to tell you why chemistry works for me,but before i can tell you that i need to tell you why i started liking chemistry. So let's get started with my life story,just kidding,but really let’s get started,the first time i started chemistery was in 7th grade.At the begging i hated it because of my teacher and becasue everybody hated it,then in the seacond term of my 7th grade year i saw a video about chemistery and he did a lot of cool stuff,then i was like this is the same chemistery we’re talking...
I remember back when I loved school, I loved getting up in the morning, doing work, and trying my best. The best part was getting good grades and meeting new people. You could say school was my favorite place to be. A typical day would consist of me putting my Heelys on, then getting on the bus with the coolest bus driver ever, Mr. Steve. Mr. Steve would always put on the best music. He would tell us, “Stop jumping on the bumps!”. I always liked sitting with my friends at the breakfast table while talking about what we’re going to do for the day. We’d then rush to class trying to sit in the front row ready to learn. I always raised my hand to answer every question trying to be the best. During recess, which was the best part of the day, I'd run all day playing all the games with my...
How many of you are stressed out? I know I am. College applications are due right around the corner and if you are anything Like I am, you know you should start thinking about options of majors and where you will attend. But for most that isn't an option right now. Some of you may have your life together. Maybe your course schedule is not as rigorous or maybe its like mine, AP classes and nothing below a B. I aim for straight A's and I push myself in the hardest course I can take. All AP or honors and 3 college classes on top of that. I do it for my so called future, what my 12 years of schooling will determine. From the time I was little school has been #1 in my household, made a C, I was grounded. I was better than a C, better than average. At least that is what my parents...
Congratulations on getting accepted into college! You are about to embark on one of the most important life-changing experiences of your entire life. Having just graduated college this past May and began my graduate school career this past August, I write this letter to share some words of wisdom that I have learned over the years during my undergraduate career. Whether you are attending a community college or a major research university, this letter will help your transition into college and guide you towards your degree. Let us begin. 1. Do not go into college cocky. Whether you graduated from high school as valedictorian or last in your class, you are getting a fresh start, and are, therefore, on the same playing field. Remember college is a lot harder than high school. Just because...
Part of being in college is knowing that you have some, if little, life experience, right? Exactly! As part of one class or another were expected sometimes to write letters to those poor high school students telling them all about life on the other side. Let me make this very clear this isn't one of those. My best piece of advice: Don't grow up so fast. If I could write a letter to my freshman self and tell her anything, it wouldn't be to work myself silly trying to make straight A's. In college a C is passing, no one cares if you make straight A's. No, I'd tell her to skip school with the boy she thought she loved and go fishing. I'd tell her to go to the homecoming dance with her friends, wear a dress and dance even though you can't dance to save your life. I would tell her to join...
August 30, 2016, Dear Sir, in your annual competitiveness reports, you rank Rwanda very highly. In the Global Competitiveness Index 2014–2015, for example, you ranked Rwanda 62nd out of 147 economies. According to you, Rwanda is one of Africa’s most competitive economies and the top performer in East Africa — well ahead of Kenya ranked 90th, Tanzania and Uganda, ranked 121st and 122nd, respectively. Mr. Schwab, these rankings are questionable, not least because Rwanda is heavily dependent on its neighbors from which it imports most of its basic needs as well as foreign investment. For example, four out of six companies listed on the Rwanda Stock Exchange are Kenyan. Further, Rwanda’s economy is by far the smallest compared to its neighbors in terms of gross domestic product (GDP)...
Let me set the scene for you: I am 10 years old in a new school that is in a new town that is in a new state. I am focusing on making friends and feeling comfortable in this new environment. You are a new teacher in this school. You are young with little classroom experience. The year started, and I had no idea what to expect. I had never had a problem with a teacher before this year, because I have never been one to stand out. My previous teachers all loved me and helped me solve all of my school-related problems. Then there was you. I’m sure you were good at teaching, but all I remember is the yelling. The smallest thing would happen and you would slam your book on the ground and scream at us. You screamed at a classroom full of 10-year-olds. The worst thing I remember you doing...
Past few months have been a period of ongoing unrest for me. Rather I would say for most of the parents whose children avail school transport services. On news channels, in newspapers, one can find n number of cases where negligence of school authorities led to the death of innocent children. My son has just turned 7. He was happy that now he gets the opportunity to be a bus traveller like his cousin (who is 9 and had been telling my little one the tales about time he spends in school bus with his friends). I too sighed a relief knowing there were no pick n drop issues. I could have my morning tea with peace, read the newspaper without being disturbed and happily drop my kid to the bus stop outside our society gates; the very fact that he was in safe hands relaxed me a bit further...
First of all, congratulations to all of you on graduating high school and getting into college. That’s a bigger accomplishment than it may feel and in your first year of college remembering how hard you have worked is important. That being said, I wanted to share a few things I have learned in the last year. 1. Call your parents. I don’t care how close or far you are from home, call your parents. I promise that it will make their day. Chances are your parents have given up a lot and worked really hard to help you go to college so even if you just got an A on an exam and you’re going to see them this weekend, call them and tell them, it’s a sure way to make them feel good and you feel good. 2. When you can go home and visit, do it. Being across the country I take advantage of every...
I was fascinated with the Hospitality Industry and got an opportunity to intern with one of the biggest Indian brands. My project was related to social media marketing. Here I was on the first day, all dressed up in my denims and shirt. And lo! As soon as I reach the staff entrance, the security guy didn't let me in! My excitement went crashing while I was negotiating with various layers of security guys trying to help them understand that I had traveled nearly forty kilometres by a rick, two different metro trains and again a rick. As a last resort, I called up my reporting manager for help. All that she did was she allowed me to be on a half day leave and join back in 'formals'. It had been raining heavily over the week. This was Friday and I had to pitch my products to a VP level...
