Donald Trump Must Be Impeached

Subject: Donald Trump Must Be Impeached
From: Civitas
Date: 30 Jan 2017

Dear Citizens,

I do not take what I am about to do lightly, but the order to ban people from specific countries, (which just happen to have Muslim majorities and none of which have commercial ties to Der Pumpkin Fuhrer,) is unconstitutional and runs contrary to everything that this country stands for. The cowardice of Der Pumpkin Fuhrer, Speaker of The House, and President Pro Tempore of the Senate, who have shut down any protest, makes this action necessary. We as a nation have done things like this before, (Chinese Exclusion Act, Internment of the Issei and Nisei, and the refusal to admit European Jews,) which have left stains that blacken the soul of the country. If we all do not speak out, we are complicit in evil and we will be looked upon by future generations with disdain. I am the grandchild of immigrants who came here to escape persecution, and they are rolling in their graves knowing that this is happening in a land they loved. I have included a link to the petition, which lays out the Articles of Impeachment quite nicely in the space provided, at the bottom of the letter after the quote.

"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it."
Martin Luther King Jr.
