To the electors in charge of putting Donald Trump in the White House

Subject: To the electors in charge of putting Donald Trump in the White House
Date: 10 Nov 2016

The electoral college system is messed up, and now more than ever is that fact hard to deny. In theory, the states each have their own, individual elections, because we are a nation of states, not a nation of people. But twice in my lifetime, I have seen it work against the common interest of America. In 2000, a man who stood for many things I disagreed with was elected president, despite more than half of America voting for him. But America conceded, because despite his somewhat misguided morals, he was ultimately a man who was capable of being president. Some may have denied this at the time, but it was evident in the face of tragedy, and is now more evident than ever, that he acted with America’s best interests at heart.

Less than a week ago, our system failed us again. More than half of our country united behind a campaign with the slogan “love trumps hate,” that promised to “build bridges, not walls;” a campaign of the first woman ever to run in a major political party, a woman who is smart, competent, and compassionate, and consistently knew what she was talking about. But the winner? An orange, reality TV-hosting, millions of dollars-losing, tax-evading, sexual assault-bragging, wall-building, xenophobic, racist, misogynistic bully without the temperament, judgement nor the intelligence of a man suited to be the commander and chief of this amazing country. His win was a slap in the face to all the good people, including a long list of leaders of the party he was running for, and every living former president, who knew that this man was not fit for office. It was a slap in the face to more than half of our country.

The day after, my college campus was quiet. We comforted each other, did kind things for each other, and we cried together. In the cities, people rallied. They marched, they occupied streets, they shouted at the top of their lungs: Love still trumps hate! How are we going to make America great if we have a president who doesn’t understand that?

This election was also a harsh reminder that white people are still the majority of this country. But the minute we start confusing white America’s interests with those of America as a whole is the minute we lose a century of progress great leaders in our country have worked so hard for. We can’t prioritize white opinions, the same way we can’t think America’s interests are male America’s interests, or straight America’s interests. If we think only for those who have power, then turning back the clock, as Trump’s slogan promises to do, sounds great. Who wouldn’t want to live in the 50s, with milkshakes and poodle skirts? Well, what about black people, members of the LGBT community, women-- pretty much anyone who wasn’t a cis, straight, white man had half the rights they have now. It makes sense if you’re the overwhelming majority of Trump’s supporters, because you miss the privilege you feel you’re losing. And when you’re used to privilege, equality feels like oppression. And that confusion is precisely why we can’t trust Trump’s supporters’ personal interests to be those of this beautiful country. The electoral college favors Trump because it gives extra power to states that are primarily white people in rural areas, precisely the people who showed up in more numbers than any poll was expecting.

So, the electoral college has failed us. Or has it-- there is one more way it can turn the tide, though it’s a long shot, and one some may think unethical. Faithless electors. Since the people casting the votes are real people, they have the power to change what they write. In some states, it’s illegal for them to do so, but in many, it’s just considered wrong. But an elector’s vote doesn’t necessarily represent the interests of their state anyways, especially states with close margins -- which is many of them. The winner-take-all system doesn’t really make sense here, especially in an election like this one, where the popular vote and the electoral college don’t match up.
More importantly, electors are now the only wall between Trump and the white house. And you have a purpose -- one often overlooked, because, arguably, it has never been necessary before. In Alexander Hamilton’s words, you are a final defence so that “the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications.” The entire system was set up because the founding fathers were scared of a direct democracy, and cautioned that a popular fool could be voted into office without a second glance -- sound like anyone? It’s actually your duty to protect America from stupid decisions it makes -- and oh, have we made a stupid one. We elected someone with all the makings of the next Hitler, and as a Jewish person, I don’t say that lightly. You’re the last defence that could keep America from absolute destruction. Four years is a long time to be stuck with a raging lunatic for a president and an intelligent man with terrible morals as his vp.
So, this is my call to fight what has happened. By saying, screw democracy, you are actually protecting it from our broken system. And by telling the electoral college to go fuck itself, you are actually carrying out the duties you are obligated to within that system, thus reinforcing it. And if you’re worried about being the first electors to sway the presidency, I don’t know what election you’ve been watching, but this is not the time to be scared of firsts. This was the first election a man could win on nothing but bullying his opponents. This was the first election all the polls were wrong. This was an election that redefined the map of voters, that redefined the game of the Presidential election in this country. And this election was the first in a long time to legitimize the rantings of a lunatic. Don’t let it be the first to put that lunatic in charge of nuclear codes.

It’s up to you. If only you can do your jobs.
