Dear Mr. Trump,
You fought your way into presidency, you demonstrated racist behavior, you degraded women, and you slandered people's names and race in order to reach the top.
You have inflicted fear into much of the nation, and divided the rest. You prayed on the uneducated, the poor, and those who desperately wanted change.
You have created an uproar across the nation and the world, of those who do not believe in you. I do not believe in you, Mr. Trump. I do not believe that you have the qualifications to run our nation, and I certainly do not believe that you ran this election with your heart. You chose to run your election based on hate. And you won.
There has never been such a clear divide in this nation since the Civil War (1861-1865). Don't get me wrong, Mr. Trump, all you did was uncover the true hatred that is drowning what our civilization was founded upon. You uncovered the lack of love and respect in much of the nation.
I sit here writing this to you, and in my heart I have the intentions of every female in America, ever immigrant, every LGBT member, and every single person who hasn't had access to proper education or healthcare.
As you find yourself in the White House, I am asking you to please think about the fairness, equality, and freedom that America was founded upon. I ask you to view women, immigrants, and LGBT members as equals. I ask you to open your mind, and if you truly intend to "Make America Great Again" then you will not undo the progress that has been made during President Obama's two terms. I ask you to not undo the progress made by Jane Addams and Lucy Burns, and all of the other woman suffragists. I ask you to think about your daughters and muster up enough respect for women, that you do not abolish the progress that has been made for us.
I speak for the LGBT community when I ask you to grant everyone the same Constitutional Rights that are owed to them. I ask you to not abolish love by taking it upon yourself to decide what is right versus wrong. Give everyone the fair human rights that each and every one of us are owed. And again, I ask you to not undo the progress that has been made for the LGBT community.
To speak for legal and illegal immigrants; unless you are a Native American then you are an immigrant. Do not forget how this country was founded, and remember that people come here to better their lives. They want to live in this remarkable country that is America, and they deserve this opportunity. Please do find out who we have in our country, but do not consider them evil or bad just because they were not born here.
Finally, my last request of you, Mr. Trump, is that you prove me wrong. Make me take back my opinion that has been formed of you based off of your campaign. Do not be hateful, do not make a mockery of this country. Be graceful, remain faithful in humanity, and please be peaceful. I do not want to be at war with my fellow Americans, but I will do so if I feel threatened by you and your following. So please, prove me wrong.
A 20-something year old female.