An Open Letter to Americans Before They Vote

Subject: An Open Letter to Americans Before They Vote
From: An American
Date: 7 Nov 2016

Dear Americans,

Election day is nearly upon us, and the current political race has done well to show us a little about ourselves as a nation, a society, and as individuals. Over the past several decades, politics, and society, have grown increasingly partisan. Red vs. Blue, Conservatives vs. Liberals, Americans vs. Immigrants, Christians vs. Muslims…”Us” vs. “Them”.

We’ve witnessed our government shut down because one side refused to reach across the aisle. We’ve witnessed name calling, mudslinging, and demonizing throughout this election. But, politicians, elections, and governments are merely a reflection of their citizens. There is no “one party” that is to blame for the state of things. It is a collective choice based on the individuals casting the votes, and the society norms and standards that each individual believes. No one person caused it, and no one person can fix it.

The great, yet sometimes devastating, thing about democracy, is that the majority wins. However, the majority must remember that their choices will affect the entire country, for better or worse. Sometimes what feels good for “Us”, will have negative repercussions for “Them”. And perhaps that is what “We” are counting on. Perhaps “We” feel so frustrated and angry that “We” feel that “They” deserve to be punished. “They” don’t agree with “Us”, therefore “They” are wrong. “They” are bad. “They” are evil. But…are “They”?

How well do you know “Them”? Have you tried to understand their point of view? What is it about “Them” that infuriates you? That fills you with anger, rage, fear? Perhaps "They" have different views on how a government should be run. Perhaps "They" have different religious or cultural views. Perhaps "They" have a different socioeconomic status. Perhaps it’s easier to label “Them”, than to understand “Them”. Because, are “They” honestly, truly, deserving of your fear and hatred? Do “They” really deserve to be punished?

“They” are human. “They” have the same dreams, hopes, wishes, and rights as “Us”. I invoke the Law of Reciprocity (a.k.a. The Golden Rule): Treat others as you would want to be treated.

I’ve heard all the rhetoric from each candidate. I’ve heard all the rhetoric from each candidate’s supporters, and campaign managers, and celebrity endorsements. I’m betting that no one will be ascending to the high moral ground after this election. And I believe it’s because we all believe it’s a fight to be won. There’s “Us” (the good guys), and “Them” (the bad guys). The good guys must defeat the bad guys. Right?

I’m sorry, but that logic makes everyone “the bad guys”. It’s that logic that spoils democracy for the entire country. Because, when you vote with the logic that “We” are the good guys, and “They” are the bad guys, then how can you feel empathy if your choices negatively effect “Them”? No one ever cries when “The Bad Guy” loses. Yet, without empathy…the whole country loses. If “We” celebrate winning the majority, and ignore “Their” voice, “We” haven’t won. “They” still have a voice, with plenty to say. Ignoring “Their” voice will only breed more anger, resentment, fear, hatred, violence…and yes, terrorism, war, and death.

This is not intended to scare you into voting for a specific candidate. I’m not going to tell you who to vote for. I only ask that IF you choose to villainize “Them”, then you must acknowledge the destructive nature of that logic. If you are frustrated with the current state of our political system; if you are frustrated with politicians, you have every right to be! But, please realize that the system and politicians are what we have collectively made them. Yes it is far from perfect, many parts are damn near broken, but keep in mind it is immensely better than it used to be! In fact, it’s probably the best it’s ever been…even though it still has miles to go. It’s an evolution, and it’s up to each generation to fix things along the way.

So, if you want the system to keep changing, then research ALL the candidates with an un-biased mind, and cast your vote for the candidates (both presidential and down the ballot) that will truly work to make the system better for the entire country. Candidates that are willing to showcase empathy, and put an end to fear-mongering, “Us” vs. “Them”, partisan politics.

An American
