An Open letter to Hillary Clinton (what feminism is to me & how you've defined it for millions of young women in 2016)

Subject: An Open letter to Hillary Clinton (what feminism is to me & how you've defined it for millions of young women in 2016)
From: Elisha Morgan ,42 years old on behalf of my daughter and young women everywhere who's are counting some day on having s women POTUS
Date: 28 Oct 2016

I decided to write this letter after I read another open letter from a man with a daughter. How you had given her hope and how "cool" it will be for her to see s woman be POTUS.

Hillary it would be cool it really would. As a woman who's journal ,at ,10&11 years old , never had things about boys or school in it . Rather I wrote about Ronald Reagan and Lybia . I wrote about terrorism and hostages. When I was finally old enough to vote at 19 when the election came around I was pregnant with my ( now grown) daughter . When I proudly cast my ballot days before giving birth to her in a midterm and Governor race.

Then 2 long years later her snd I were on our own and again I proudly voted in the election for POTUS. I cast my ballot ( as I will in 10 days,) , AGAINST something . I cast it against a Clinton who I was even as a very young woman believed was corruot and crooked .

So now my daughter is finally old enough to vote for POTUS and like her mother she takes it seriously. She was never as into politics as I am. But I did drive one thing in her. That her vote means something .its the only real voice we have in government.

It's been obvious to most of the country that Donald Trump is not the perfect candidate. Had the right nominated anyone else they could not have lost this election.

But I see all of this smearing , I see the PVA videos coming out . With a man who was IN PRISON for tax evasion trying to smear Donald Trump for legally not paying taxes. Do you not see that as hypocrisy Hilary?

We all saw the video my daughter heard Creamer say ," the Next POTUS wants ducks on the ground ," " Donald ducks his taxes "

As I listened to Creamer on the latest O'Keefe video speak of "another woman coming out " (against Trump,) my stomach turned .

As a woman who's been brutally assaulted and left for dead on a desolate 4 lane highway. Whos facial bones were broken. Who had my teeth puncture my bottom lip. Whos eyes were beat shut . Who had chunks of meat off my feet and knees on the concrete where I was thrown out of a car after being beat for fighting off a rapist.. a man who I didn't even know who offered me a ride home when I was stranded.

I'm offended that you're using these womens accusations as an opportunity to exploit my emotions for my vote .

Madame Secretary , do you not see a moral issue here ? While you're trying to smear DJT as "unfit " and not a "roll model ," FOR MY KID?

I am saddened to the very core of my being that my daughter has to see this out of the first woman to ever get the nomination for POTUS.
In my mind I can imagine. Tuesday my girl and I would go to the salon and have our nails done red white and blue . We would March down to the polls proud to be women and and cast our vote for the first woman nominated as POTUS and pray we made history.

But Madame Secretary, I'm ashamed . Because my little girl isn't 8 years old shes almost 22 . She doesnt need to think it's cool to win just because she can give birth and pee sitting down . She needs to see that it doesn't matter that we are women. We can't " do anything" in spite of being women ! We are women that can do anything period!

There is no handicap to overcome . Different from men but no less capable. If anything I'd like to think we have an advantage over men . Because our nature should be one of integrity and nurture. Empathy and self sacrifice. While men are by nature providers. They have survival instinct that might impede their integrity. Yet we are equally capable.

I don't want my daughter to learn that she has a handicap of some kind that means she has to exploit every circumstance no matter who it hurts. I feel dirty even describing your tactics.

But most of all Madame Secretary the last thing I want my daughter to learn , is that abuse or assault, sexual or not . Real , contrived or imagined . Should be used for gain of any kind .

What a shameful mess Madame Secretary that not only are you using your status as a woman to manipulate me and my daughter and millions of young women out there . Whos mothers taught them to be proud Americans and proud women of virtue to embrace their womanhood ..

Young women who's mothers taught them they can be or do anything. Now they are watching you Madame Secretary. They see you when you use people's pain like Erica Garner who learned you thought to exploit her pain in the tragic death of her father.They see when you exploit a woman's weight struggle and personal pain . They all saw you exploit a gold star family . Whos son died at your hand .

Hillary you're an opportunist. I pray every day that these young women that we mothers have tried to instill values in . Do not learn to be what you are . Rather that they learn from this what not to be .

When a young woman is assaulted or abused or any woman. She should never feel ashamed to tell it or feel pressured to do anything she doesnt want to . However, she should not think it's okay to exploit her abuse nor allow someone like you to exploit it ..its just tacky and shameful.

I cannot see a woman who's been truiy assaulted using it for political gain but to each his own. However the fact Hillary Clinton that "Correct the Record" has offered openly to pay people for dirt on Trump creates doubt in our hearts about these women . Thats your fault .

What a shame that a great many of us will always doubt their stories because of your smear campaign and lack of integrity.

Here is a side note Misses Clinton . I haven't seen you go high yet. The FLOTUS has truly discredited herself with strong women like me , who can think beyond our uterus . Nothing you've done this whole general campaign has been going high . You've run a low down smear campaign.

In around 08 FLOTUS said " for the first time in my life, I'm proud to be an American"

Well Hillary, Michelle for the first time in my life not only am i ashamed to be an American. I am ashamed to be a woman.

I try not to be angry at the women who support you . I can understand why they don't like DJT . I don't care for his ways myself being a Christian woman he has in some ways offended me . But there is one thing about Donald J Trump. No matter what you say . No matter the narrative you've tried to create about him.. Donald J Trump does not discriminate.

Donald treats everyone the same . He called women ugly he called white conservative men ugly. He called women fat he called Chris Christi fat . He isn't a racist he is a realist . I never have cared for the man much to tell you the truth .I prayed against him and I voted against him . One thing is certain I'm going to vote FOR im next Tuesday November 8th

Why? Because I'm voting against you and everything you stand for .That used to be the only reason . But as I watched these past 6 or so months unfold . I began to see that you and your kind are afraid of him . Thats good I want you to be afraid . I want all of you to be afraid . Because the one thing you're supposed to be afraid of is WE THE PEOPLE.

Michael Moore is right. We want to through the Molotov cocktail that is Donald Trump right in the center of DC and watch it blow the corruption and the waste to bits.

One last thing Madame Secretary, I find it rich that you are so hot after Julian Assange. For exposing secrets I assume ,? Isn't it oh so rich that you are the one who was careless with our state secrets ?

While you had s fiduciary responsibility to the American people you sold us out . Sold me and my girl out . But Julian Assange he didn't owe us anything or even know us . But to us he is a hero . He has risked everything . Been away from his family and not even been able to see the sunshine in order to give us TRUTH.

But what did you do ? ,You demonize him and smear him and conspire to make him out a rapist and a pedophile. Not only that you invoke the "red scare" tactics.

As a little kid in the early 80s Russia was terrifying. I don't appreciate
at all the narrative you , the mainstream media and the Democrats have been pushing. There is no evidence Julian Assange works for Russia . Wikileaks gets leaks from anonymous whistle blowers.

They do not work with any government. Moreover Donald Trump commenting that if Russia has your eemails to please release them . Thats not equal to working with Russia ( and it was said as a tongue in cheek remark , that people with personalities beyond that of flat tires get

Misses Clinton I wish I could vote for you next week .
Nothing would make me happier than to see a woman make it to the Whitehouse .After all I've lived through . Having the bones in my face broken, barely surviving addiction and abuse. After fighting my way out of a life that was just an existence to a life that was abundant thanks to God alone . I'd love to see a virtuous woman reach such a goal

But the opposite is true too .. After all I've survived after everything I've fought for . Rather than see someone who has no integrity. An opportunist to whom nothing is sacred . A woman who will exploit other women to get what she wants . Who will oppress women , victims even if they get in her way get into the Whitehouse, the people's house to represent us all to this world with your corruption. I'd literally rather die .

Shame on you Hillary Clinton for destroying ideas in the minds of young women everywhere about what it is to be a feminist. Because being a feminist means you believe we are capable without using our sex as leverage . Without exploiting circumstances.

Shame on you Hillary Rodham Clinton for warping in the minds of young women everywhere what it means to be feminist.

Thanks to anyone who took the time to resd my letter . Though I am aware Mrs Clinton will not read or address it . She is too busy to care what us ordinary *,unaware compliant citizenry,* have to say

In case anyone wants to accuse me of having ties to anyone listed above My name is Elisha M Morgan I'm almost ,42 years old and I've never met anyone nor had any contact outside following them on social media with Mrs Clinton, Mr Trump or Mr Assange . This letter was written from my heart and I believe I speak for a lot of women and mothers who can think for their self
