To a old friend

Subject: To a old friend
From: A girl you used to call your best friend
Date: 6 Sep 2016

I find It appalling that some girls feel the need to comment on how much their friend is eating to the point where their friend is so nervous to eat around them they don’t eat at all and then starve themselves, I find it appalling that you could do something like this to someone you call one of your best friends, you are supposed to go to your friends with your problems so that they can help you, not run away from them because they are the problem….. the fact that you comment of how much she eats so much that she now feels more uncomfortable than ever in her own body, that you are the reason she keeps herself up late at night stressing till she is sick in the stomach about what your next comment will be, that you are the reason that she has thoughts flying around in her mind such as “I’m too fat”, “boys won’t like me because I’m not skinny enough” and “I have already eaten too much today I can’t eat anymore”. You are the reason she has found herself looking at websites such as “proana” and “how to lose weight quickly”, you have made her feel so uncomfortable in her own body that she feels like there is no other option than to starve herself so that your hurtful comments will stop, but you still haven’t noticed how much pain she is putting her body through you still make your little comments that stay in her mind for months constantly eating away at her self-confidence until she has none left, you have pushed her too this point where she now feels isolated, so much so that she feels like she can’t reach out for help from her family or other friends because she is scared that they too will comment on her problem and say that she is “overreacting” or a “drama queen” because they do not know what is going on inside of her mind, the same mind that was always positive and happy you have now turned it into one that looks for the negatives in everything a mind that thinks nothing but dark and empty thoughts that are continuing to drown out the little amount of happiness she still thinks. A girl that could once trust everyone she met and could talk about her problems to everyone but now she has turned to drugs and alcohol to help her cope because she feels that they are her only friends but in reality everyone was there for her but they just didn’t know what was going on inside her mind they only saw the smile that she forced onto her face every day, but do you want to know what the said thing is, that you still don’t know how much pain you caused her, that you don’t know, when you still make those little comments about what she eats that she goes home and cries to herself till the point of feeling nauseated, but you wouldn’t understand because to you this is all a joke.
