To the older generations and British MPs: let us decide our future

Subject: To the older generations and British MPs: let us decide our future
From: A disappointed young man
Date: 25 Jun 2016

At age ten, I am deemed responsible enough to have committed a crime. Starting at age 15, I am entrusted to make choices in my education that will impact the rest of my life. At age 16, I am able to smoke. At age 17, I am responsible enough to drive a car, possibly endangering my own life and others on the road. All of these pressures and responsibilities are placed on myself and the young people of Britain and yet in a referendum that will impact OUR futures, we were helpless.
Young people are tired of their futures being played with. We are tired of being responsible until slimy and lying politicians decide that it does not suit them. Parliament has failed us, our parents have failed us, our grandparents have failed us. A 'golden' generation that has grown up with healthcare free at the point of use, sizable pensions and cheaper housing has decided our fate. Your decision is our suffering.
We are your future, and we are angry. We need change or you risk complete disillusionment of young people. Allow us to vote for our own future.

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