An Open Letter to the Dad who didn't care and the Dad who maded life better

Subject: An Open Letter to the Dad who didn't care and the Dad who maded life better
From: Me
Date: 18 Feb 2016

To the Dad who didn't care enough,
People always tell me that I should forgive you. But how do I forgive the one person who caused nothing but pain and annoyance within me? I don't understand how I am supposed to forgive you. I always here "Oh you're Ken's daughter", "Your Daddy's trying to do right" or "You look so much like your Daddy". They are right I do look like my Daddy but it's not you. Not once in your life have you ever been a Daddy to me or my siblings. You have never done anything for me. All you ever did was lie, steal, abuse, and threaten the people I care about the most. You never cared about my Mama, your Daddy, Your Stepmama, or your children for that matter. Please explain to me how you can live with yourself knowing that you caused everyone, who tried to make you into a better person, pain. One day soon I'm going to let all 16 years of what I've been holding in out. But best believe that when I do let it all out to you it won't be sweet nor will I be there by myself. You have spent the last 16 years of my life in and out of jail always going back for the same things. You don't care about anyone but yourself and i hope you're happy with your life. Maybe eventually I will forgive you

To the Dad who Came into my Life and stayed,
Thank you for coming into our life and making us feel safe. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you most. I know I may not seem like I love you but I do. Thank you for being my Daddy and helping me get through life. When I say I love you I truly mean it. Thank you for keeping me out of trouble. I love you dearly.
Your Oldest Daughter
