With all due respect Mr. Cruz, I am ashamed at your response to the refugee crisis and I resent that you purport to represent the Texan people.
Nearly half of us are democrats who deeply disagree with your approach. Instead of working toward real solutions, you are focusing on how to pander to the ignorant and fearful.
To post things on your site that say things like "Democrats Block Sen. Cruz’s Efforts to Protect Americans from Terrorism" is completely misleading and serves only to exacerbate tension and divide us as an American people.
Do you not feel lucky to be an American? Are you not grateful that both of your non-American parents were allowed to make a life here? You seem to have forgotten who you are. You also seem to have forgotten a key element in the founding of our nation, which is freedom of worship and the separation of church and state. We are built on these principles and you want to make entry into the US contingent upon Christianity?
Then again, I would not expect anything less coming from the man that wants to limit my freedoms to get birth control or involve himself in the very personal decision to seek abortion.
You still insist on bringing your religion into this? Fine. Good sir, it takes more than spouting some Bible verses and yammering about abortion to make a good Christian. T
here’s no fine print on Leviticus 19:33-34 (love foreigners residing in your land as yourself) or Exodus 23:9 (do not oppress a foreigner) or Malachi 3:5 (do not deprive foreigners among you of justice). I could go on but I won’t, because I respect your time even though you seem not to respect me. You can’t be a good Christian and be so stubbornly opposed to offering some charity to people in dire need. Clearly for you, in the end, religion has nothing to do with anything. So why the islamophobia? ISIS has nothing to do with Muslims.
Real Muslims are so kind and peaceful they sometimes grow up in houses where they are literally not even allowed to kill a mosquito.
You are telling me these refugees want to come and be terrorists? The ones running away just want to live freely and worship in peace, same as you and me. Whenever someone abuses a gun and goes on a shooting spree, I never see you clamoring to punish ALL gun owners based on the actions of one radical killer. So why the discrepancy? I am interested to know why you feel the same logic does not apply. Even if we combine those involved in ISIS, Boko Haram, and Al Qaeda, we still only account for 0.003 percent of the global Muslim population. What are you afraid of? That we will integrate a bunch of people into our society, people will realize they have nothing to fear about their Muslim neighbors, and you’ll be left with no one to pander to? For someone wanting to be president, you sure do seem to lack a basic understanding of our nation’s principles. Or maybe you just don’t care. Either way, as you are now, you are certainly unfit to run a country based on life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, regardless of religion. Do you still want to play the Christian card? Allow me to give you one more verse to ponder, Ezekiel 16:49 “Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.” Guess who Sodom is in this situation?
Mr. Cruz, please help make America great again. Stay true to its principles, and please consider all of your constituents as you sit in the Senate.
Thank you,
Concerned constituent, proud Bernie Sanders supporter and proud United Nations Employee (we don't want your guns, I promise)