The Real News Americans & Canadians Never Got To Read - Harper & Bush Dodged Bullets

Subject: The Real News Americans & Canadians Never Got To Read - Harper & Bush Dodged Bullets
From: Former Executive Of American Financial Group... Now Exiled In China
Date: 3 Sep 2015

To Freedom Loving American and Canadian Citizens Hungry For The Truth...

I hope you all appreciate the truth. Because sharing this truth with you has caused me six years of separation from my wife and children, and years of death threats/terrorist acts on my wife's home in Canada (two shootings "investigated" by the Peel Police Department).

Out of all 15 of the government and corporate crimes I have reported since 1975 this one here has hurt more Canadians and Americans and overall, is linked to over $1 billion of illegal profits with overlapping links to Enron, Canada's largest smuggling ring, the real reason Noriega was kidnapped, and why Wall Street banksters will never be prosecuted nor jailed.

As of now, five people (witnesses) including two of my personal friends have been murdered, yet the only story told about any of this was this sanitized version in the Toronto Star and a similar piece in the Miami Herald. (See also:

What you were never told is that the President of that company (Edward Myles Chism) was a former 20-year U.S. Justice Department veteran who swindled $87 million and is in an out of jail in eight months in exchange for his silence. But part of the special deal is that he moves outside of America so he cannot be subpoened as a witness. The CFO of the company (a former CIA Analyst named David Siegel) only had to pay a small fine.

Chism's wife Teresita Tapia, is the former banker, secretary, and mistress of his once very close friend General Noriega. In his office he used to show pictures of himself with then CIA Director George H. Bush and Noriega. Those were very prosperous times for the trio.

I had worked for this company for two years and I am the moron CI who reported them to the FBI in 1996 – FOUR YEARS before the Toronto Star and Miami Herald articles reported their abrupt shut down.

SO WHY DID IT TAKE 4 YEARS TO SHUT DOWN AFG? Herein lies the real crime, and why these people were ultimately murdered and made to look like coincidental unrelated accidents.

By the way, I am a former U.S. federal agent/investigator, NOT a conspiracy nut.

The clients of AFG were never disclosed, especially those who used to work at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and include the likes of Terry Nelson and Steve Finta (the two biggest cocaine smugglers in Canada).

AFG was a laundromat and their washing machines were on Wall Street. Their ATM machines were in Canada. I made Canadian PM Stephen Harper aware of this all and then found out from an honest DEA and RCMP agents that he already knew for years. (See: The only surprise for Harper was the Enron connection and murder of Al Chalem, who had called me less than two weeks before he was found shot in the head while under 24/7 FBI surveillance. He, too, was a witness who simply knew too much about off-shore activities of a former VP, just like the Canadian Gonyou.

One of the people involved in this story is now running for election to become the next U.S. president. He knowingly accepted drug money contributions, as did the woman who made sure Al Gore lost the elections a few years back.

I tried to tip off a Toronto Star reporter about all this back late 2001 but she said her boss told her "a guy being extradited is not a credible source" and would not let her spend time nor money to investigate. He never knew/believed my extradition was fake with no indictment nor charging documents.

I could have helped three dozen Canadians get back their "missing" $43 million. I only wanted sanctuary in Canada with my Canadian wife and kids. But once again "Politics trumps justice" as I was told by two people – including the most senior and honest Mountie in Ontario at the time, who was not allowed to do his job by "Ottawa".

George W. Bush wished he had more loyal friends like the PM. (See:

After secretly meeting with Paul McKay from the Ottawa Citizen I learned the man had "left the Citizen" a few weeks later.

Five of my living witnesses were threatened and one was almost poisoned but was walking distance to a hospital when it happened. In Toronto I was saved by a total stranger when someone drugged and then tried to suicide me, and former Toronto detective Abraham "Chris" Bailey stopped a guy from stabbing me from behind. The last attempt was in 2013 and you can read about it here: http//WhyUncleSamHatesBruce.blogspot.

Lately I have begun telling my story in bits and pieces online. I know my days are numbered, but for the sake of my children, the truth needs to come out. We have criminals running our government in America and about half of the Senate veterans are profiting from it all. I never had enough time or resources to fully investigate PM Harper's role. But when he never even answered my 2006 letter, I began to presume some complicity, that was later confirmed by yet another honest and frustrated RCMP official.

I tried to tell the truth about this AFG company, and for that and other reports I was hammered and am now forced to live in China.

I have not hugged my children in four years. One is only five and wonders why all the other kids have a father.
