Dear you,
I'm sure you've already heard all the reasons why it's important that you get out and vote. All of them are meant to pull on your heartstrings - this is especially true if you are a woman; a woman who doesn't vote might invoke the wrath of all those past suffragettes who in some cases actually died to get a vote. But, when all is said and done, voting needs to invoke hope for the future, not rememberance of the past. And it is for that reason that I am writing this letter.
We have a funny old system in this country for voting. First past the post makes it sound like a horse race, and with the number of old Etonians running for the top, you could be forgiven for thinking that this was not just a name. However, what this means is that your vote only counts in your constituency - if your chosen candidate doesn't win, your vote doesn't count as a whole. The MP who wins that area then gets a seat in parliament. The party with the majority of seats (not just the most) then wins, otherwise it's hung and there needs to be a coalition.
Seems unfair? Well, there are other ways, but we work with what we have and if you cast a vote, that's one more for the party you want to win in your area. If you decide it won't make a difference and stay at home, them you create a self fulfilling prophecy. The danger of abstinence is that those who shout loudest with radical views will be the only ones to vote.
And this is why I am voting. I believe my vote counts when I participate as part of society as a whole.
I am an undecided voter, even with the election looming. And because of this, am reading as much as I can from each party's publications. If you are also undecided, or think that all parties are the same, here's a list of links to some manifestos to save you some time. After all, you've taken the time to read my letter... (it's in alphabetical order so you can't read into my choices!)
Conservative: (sorry, I coudn't find their actual manifesto online)
Green Party:
Liberal Democrats:
Good luck, and whatever you vote for, please vote.