President Joe Biden - A Legacy Of Lies And Corruption

Subject: President Joe Biden - A Legacy Of Lies And Corruption
From: An angry veteran
Date: 29 Dec 2024
A legacy of lies, corruption, and even treason for Joe Biden is what most American veterans will remember...

Dear Joe,

I once thought you were a decent and honest man 30 years ago when you were a young and intelligent Senator saying all the rights things up on the Hill. You were quite convincing, but none of us realized at that time that you were simply pandering and plagiarizing your way through life, saying whatever people wanted to hear - at the time. With your diplomatic facade, and reassuring smile, it was a winning combination - for you. You lulled us all into a false sense of trust. You covertly became the proverbial wolf in sheep's wool at gradual pace to keep up with your insatiable greed.

But as you grew older (and more brazen), we grew wiser and more attentive to the flip-flopping you were doing on a regular basis. But your charm and 25 years of DC connections made you valuable choice for the Deep State and their puppet dujour Barrack Obama. The two of you charmed and disarmed us into believing your collective bullshit. You two perfected the fine art of gas-lighting, and you passed on your double-speak skills quite well to Kamala BTW. Indeed, you guys made all the snake oil hustlers look like amateurs.

But the spotlight was on Obama and nobody knew what a real risk you would be to our nation, until you cleverly stole the election in 2020. And then we were stuck with you for four miserable years of economic struggle in which you deliberately impoverished America hoping you could bait us into embracing the Socialism trap of the World Economic Forum with your government give-aways and phony DEI rhetoric. How well did that go Joe?

You gladly went along with the COVID Plandemic scheme and directed the media to censor any factual information that contradicted or even challenged the fabrications of Dr. Anthony Fauci and his cabal of Bill Gates, BIG Pharma, The Who and your crony profiteers of crisis who extorted over a billion people world-wide to be injected with experimental drugs that have so far killed 17 million people and counting. Just check out all the truth he helped to hide from the world: and also...

You opened the flood gates to illegal migrants who came to America without any medical or criminal vetting - spending ten times as much money as it takes to run our Coast Guard to house, feed, transport, and train mostly poor and unskilled people who make no effort to even learn English. Your proxy NGOs subsidized with our tax money told them to keep getting pregnant to collect even more of our tax dollars (and more voters for your party). Over 500,000 of these migrants you welcomed with open arms are criminals who raped, murdered, mugged, and molested their way into "sanctuary cities" where your woke prosecutors won't even keep them jailed when they attack random seniors, children, and women. You sold us out Joe - caring more about foreign strangers than homeless American veterans and 20 million American families living at the poverty level.

Within a month of your inauguration in 2020, everything we consumed in America jumped in price from gasoline to common food items and for the next four years you blamed everyone and everything but your own dumb ass policies that defy all economic supply and demand basics. YOU destroyed our economy Joe, and then has the audacity to publish false reports, cherry-pick a handful of experts paid to support your continuous gas-lighting while Pelosi, Schumer, and the squad tried like hell to blame everything on racism or sexual phobias.

We weren't buying your garbage Joe but you continued peddling it, and your lies gold bolder with each passing month. You fabricated events in your life that never took place. We could not make the elections come fast enough. We just had to endure you, your censorship, and your moronic but cute know-nothing press secretary who struggled every day to evade valid questions from Peter Doocy and other inquiring reporters not on your dole.

But you kept pushing the envelope and forfeiting your credibility when we learned about your drug addict son Hunter, the minor girls he was screwing in China, while collecting millions in bribes and campaign donations that you insisted you knew nothing about. You adamantly claimed that you never met any of your son's Chinese and Ukrainian biz pals. But now that you are heading out to pasture with millions of dollars you never actually earned, proof of your lies finally float to the surface like that proverbial ugly turd in the family swimming pool - the one the rest of us must swim in every day.

You are a shameful disgrace to America Joe. You embarrassed us and tarnished our global reputation in Afghanistan, the Middle East and Asia. Surely you will now blame your dementia - the disease you denied for over a year. The economic and social damage you did to our nation is worse than any other president in my 70 years of life as an American. We never expected perfection Joe, just simple honesty and transparency - you know, what all your campaign speeches promised us.

How you even have the nerve to walk into a Church every Sunday and pretend to be a God-fearing Catholic is an insult to our intelligence. You ignore murders committed by illegal migrants but condone healthy women getting abortions at 7, 8, and even 9 months of pregnancy. You arbitrarily wanted to stack our Supreme Court and even tried to suggest the 1st and 2nd amendment of our constitution were "a legal obstacle" to 2030 agenda. If not for Freedom Of Speech, you would not be reading these words Joe, and you'd have me locked away in solitary confinement somewhere.

In 2001 when I sent you hard evidence (a video and audio tape of a crooked FBI agent named Terry Nelson of Miami) perpetrating $1Billion of FBI crimes and 911 cover-up of Mossad agent Fasial Shahin you were a Senator and Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. What did you do with that info Joe? You gave it to FBI Director Robert Mueller, the very man I told you was covering up for Nelson!

But we'll give you one last chance to redeem yourself Joe... Make a public apology and tell us where the $6 Trillion of our tax-dollars you inked for COVID relief and infrastructure went, and admit your role in the Nordstream sabotage, and how much in FTX money did you and Democratic candidates pocket?

You are so corrupt Joe that you compelled 20% of Democrats to either vote for Donald Trump or stay home on election day. That is how bad your lies have alienated and divided the Democratic Party. You'll be pushing up daisies before your damage can be repaired. You, Jim, and Hunter all belong behind bars for your family graft and for weaponizing our Justice Department to selectively unleash the FBI on your political opponents.

You are a lucky man Joe Biden. You might have been lynched as a traitor if you pulled your stunts in the early 1800's, or at least challenged to a duel by someone with a few molecules of integrity. At least Koreans have the courage to demand justice for their corrupt leaders. But at least you provide us all living proof why Congress must limit the powers of presidential pardons, to exclude family members, cabinet members, FBI and DOJ executives, and those used as proxies to commit governments crimes and acts of treason. Sorry, but I will forever see you as a traitor Joe, no matter what spin your party uses to recover from your crime spree.

The despicable scene of you looking at your watch while the flag-draped caskets of my fellow veterans arriving back home is forever etched in my mind Joe. But to be fair Joe, you served the Deep State well and both Big Pharma and Big Tech earned record profits thanks to your deliberate ignorance of their frauds, monopolies, and endless Privacy Act violations. They were your real masters Joe. Why else would Zuckerberg, Gates, Soros and the Wall Street banksters funnel over a billion dollars into your off-shore bank accounts. Yes, over 5 million Americans read Peter Schweizer's shocking books about you.

We were not fooled for long Joe. We wanted you gone by the end of 2021. Thankfully, you were foolish enough to endorse Kamala Harris or we'd have no hope for our children today. Good riddance Joe Biden. You have contributed NOTHING of value to our nation and never even had the honor nor courage to enlist into our military, or even be truthful to the people who voted for you. You will no longer insult our intelligence Joe. We The People rue the day you were born into this world.
