It may not matter to you but. I want to inform African Americans citizens/voters of georgia that the Georgia gop state house &state senate is trying to deny your rights to vote by restricting voting by eliminating early&, absentee voting removing ballot boxes presenting a photo copy Id to vote absentee eliminating voting on sundays votes must be counted within eleven days etc ! I hoping that these changes want come to effect speaking for myself! Apparently the results of the presidential election didn't sit well with georgia gop with Joe Biden winning georgia and two senate changing to democrats georgia gop is trying to make it even harder for minorities to vote in future elections with these potential changes to voting not to mention Donald Trump continuing with this voter fraud in Georgia as well three other states! Regardless who you vote just giving you notice that georgia gop is trying to stop you from voting making it even harder for African Americans to vote with these changes in future elections events!call your representatives letting them know you're not with these changes in voting of future elections! your voice should be heard of politicians representing your best interests not politicians who only looking out for themselves and their personal interests!
open letter to African Americans citizens of Georgia
Subject: open letter to African Americans citizens of Georgia
From: Eldorado Walters