I must confess, I wasn’t a fan of you until “All that you need is now” in 2010. Of course I...
More Open Letters
Hey Daniel Radcliffe!
It’s me. Seeing as how we’re inching closer to Thanksgiving with...
Dear Mom,
Do you remember the day when you said that sky is the place where the departed...
Dear UST Growling Tigers,
In just a few hours, you will face the most formidable foe you...
Dear Freddie
It's been 19 years today since the world found out about your AIDS. I don't...
Dear Aamir, The penny dropped as you too raked up the issue of rising intolerance in India at an...
Dear Public
An open appeal to all those following #AppWapsi tag to flood Snapdeal's...
Disclaimer: following are my personal views and are not regarding a political party or any...
Dear France,
Those pictures which are surfing of innocent people killed mostly those of...