The Time For The Youth Is Now!

Subject: The Time For The Youth Is Now!
From: Grant Cohen
Date: 30 Nov 2015

SO I have been thinking of writing something like this for a while, many won't care, but its something which has been on my mind for ages:
I do not believe there is currently a political party in South Africa which truly represents the youth. This is a worry as it means that there's not 1 party that is truly looking after the future of OUR country, as clearly this is what the youth are! It took the loss of blood, property and a lot more for the students to get their way with the Fees Must Fall campaign. Even this wasn't a big success in my eyes as fees have not fallen, but have in fact remained the same for next year. My question is simple, why did it have to come to this? Why were the voices and calls not heard before?
I believe it is time for the youth to have their own voice in parliament! No political party currently has a Youth League worth mentioning, unless its to be laughed at, like the ANC Youth League's press release the other day! The country is at the point at the revolution and the youth are at the forefront, yet they are still not adequately represented where and when it truly counts.
This is why I believe that it is time for the youth to come together to form a non racial, non sexist group. A group which truly fights for what is needed by us all, but a group which fights in the right way as well! This means non violent, non exclusive. Enough is enough!
I said a few weeks ago that we should not be fighting for ourselves, but for the generations that will follow us. I believe this is possible and if we launch with the right ethos and beliefs, people of all ages will come to the realisation that supporting a younger generation with a new way of thinking will not be so bad. There are many great minds with many great ideas out there and I think its time that a group is formed to fully take advantage of these and to bring a new perspective to our currently failing political scene in OUR beautiful country! The time for change is now!
