I was already hesitant about online dating, and didn’t really want to do it, but a girlfriend...
More Open Letters
Dear Henri.
Dear, the boy decided to cheat on me:
Dear boy who thought he would get...
Voor aandeelhouders van Lavide Holding NV [“Lavide”] is het vrijwel geen dag saai. Zij worden...
I’m honest, too patient and understanding. I’m also strong enough not to care how much I love...
I am not really sure whether I should or not… but I want to say some things to you.
Dear you,
You should know that I'm very excited to meet you, and love you, and find my...
I want to tell Americans about terrorist thats living in USA for almost 15 years or so. The name...
Dear citizens of the USA who worry about the safety of their children,
Sometimes I wonder why I frown or cry at the thought that I miss you, and you don’t know it. And...