When Ex-Muslims Say This - Hadn't We Better Listen?

Subject: When Ex-Muslims Say This - Hadn't We Better Listen?
From: Examine-Islam.org
Date: 14 Apr 2015

Dear UK Politicians and Media,

"The Islamic world is heading toward that which it embraces: Islam as a complete code of life, as believed by every Muslim. This transformation seems inescapable at this moment. But our major concern now is the infidel world, particularly the West. The native population in Europe is declining from low birthrate, while Muslims are procreating at unbridled rates. In the UK, Muslim population is increasing 10 times faster than the rest; the trend should be similar in other Western European countries. And where does this lead? By the middle of this century, Muslims will become the largest religious group in Europe."

M. A. Khan was a Muslim for 35+ years. After the 2001 Twin Tower attack on the USA, he began to examine his faith for what it might be within it that caused Muslims to engage in such wanton destruction and mass murder in the name of Islam. What M. A. Khan discovered about Islam after having conducted a scholarly examination of its core texts and its history of violent conquest is recorded in 'Islamic Jihad: A History Of Violent Conquest, Imperialism and Slavery'.

What he found made him give up his faith, and is an example to everyone who has supported Islam, who has claimed there is a difference between 'Islam' and 'Islamism' - please, we urge you, examine Islam before you make such claims. Read the core texts of Islam - not just the Koran but also the Hadiths for these recorded biographies of Islam's prophet make up the faith of Islam together. The Hadiths inform Sharia Law and Muhammad is held up as the 'perfect example' which Muslims should emulate. This is what M. A. Khan told Bill Warner about Islam and its aim to conquer the Western world as it has done so much of the world:

"...after the 9/11 attacks, as critical analysis of Islam, the Quran and hadiths flourished dramatically, I became a defender of Islam for quite some time. I continued to resist looking into the basic texts of Islam, the Quran, Sunnah and Muhammad’s biographies for 2-3 years. But I eventually read them, and I was shattered and frustrated with myself. I was ashamed because the Quran reads like a manual of unconditional war against non-Muslims, Muhammad was one of the most horrible, if not the worst, human being in the history of mankind. And I had believed that Islam was the most perfect and peaceful religion, a perfect code to human life, for 35+ years of my life."

Perhaps this should make everyone who wants to stand up for Islam take a moment's pause. In fact most Muslims have not read the core texts of Islam. 70% of the world's Muslims are illiterate. The Muslim world is full of conspiracy theories and persecution theories - always positing Muslims as queerly both victim and wronged master - with a duty to return to their rightful place as masters of the world.

Since this interview with M.A. Khan the rise of Isis and Islamist terrorism in Africa has taken a firm hold - Islamist Iran has vowed to destroy Israel and is not in receipt of weaponry from Russia. Events move fast - yet our leaders persevere in their perverse attempt at whitewashing Islam's true colours.

It is when even the Western media and politicians conspire with these theories, for example by supporting Palestinian terrorism against Israel or giving a voice to extremists on the media, that these conspiracy theories are given foundation. M. A. Khan continues:

"So, it will become clear why we are not making significant ground in our truth-telling efforts. The outcome of this battle, I think, will be determined by the media...

The fact is that the Islamists have tremendous advantages against the truth-tellers in every aspect of this battle. The truth-tellers are fighting this battle against mountainous odds: their opponents have annual investment of billions of dollars against zero on their own side; the Islamists have almost all the ground in the MSM, the decisive battleground of this struggle.

I realize that there is little chance of this changing at all. The future of this battle remains hugely tilted toward the Islamist side as of now. The Talibanization of the globe remain an inescapable possibility unless circumstances changes drastically, possibly horribly."

Does this worry you? Does it seem possible that far from being an aberration, the example of the cruelty, barbarity, chaos and oppression within Islamic nations and their treatment of women, minorities, apostates, gays and children are not just strangely similar but are in fact sanctioned and even dictated by Islam's foundational texts? Could Islam's long history of enslaving, murdering and forced converting people seem strangely similar to the actions of Isis because in fact both are based on Islam's dictates?

Might the treatment of Muslim women and children in the UK - subjected to Female Genital Mutilation, forced marriage and cousin marriage be a reason enough to Examine Islam? What about the treatment of non-Muslim girls systemically abused by Muslim men? What about the promotion of anti-Western, anti-British hatred and violence in the UK in Mosques and online? Take the time to read the core texts of Islam - they are online for free - and read M. A. Khan's work exposing Islamic conquest in India.

Consider how Islam has spread across the world over 1400 years through a mixture of war and slow take over. Consider whether this is what you want for your grandchildren. Consider whether, as powerful UK politicians and media organisations you wish to continue to conspire in the gradual Islamisation of our beautiful country.

Or do you want to do something about it?

We who stand against Islam are in a minority. We are not being heard. Why not conduct a thorough analysis of the core texts of Islam, its history of violent conquest and the ways in which it informs and inspires wars, terrorism, murders and the subjugation of humanity today worldwide.

As M. A. Khan says -

"We know what Sharia means to civilized humanity. We witness it in Saudi Arabia; we witness it in Afghanistan under the Taliban; we witness it in Talibanized areas of Pakistan. We clearly know that the plight of women-Muslim or not-would become worse. Treatment of non-Muslims is horrible and extremely degrading under Sharia rule: it is happening in Taliban-occupied regions in Pakistan. The Hindus and Sikhs are being subjected to humiliating jizya, which is an exorbitant discriminatory tax for the security of the life and property of non-Muslims in Islamic state (see Quran 9:29). The Taliban attacked the Sikh community in Orakzai for failing to pay the demanded jizya, slayed the men, took possession of their homes and properties, and enslaved the women and children, in accordance with the Quranic commands (33:26) and Muhammad’s example of dealing with the Jewish tribe of Banu Quraiza [M.A. Khan, Islamic Jihad, p47-49]. Thousands of Hindus have already relocated to India in recent months in order to escape the Taliban oppression.

"Averting this Talibanization of the world, which seems inescapable at this moment unless something drastic happens, should be the central concern for the civilized humanity as I see it".

We hope you will stop pretending Islam is peace without having properly examined its core texts, history and the lived experience of those being oppressed by Muslims today.



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M. A. Khan's book is available as a free download here -- http://www.islam-watch.org/books/islamic-jihad-legacy-of-forced-conversi...

