As odd as it may sound, Thank you for not showing up to doctor appointments. Thank you for replying to a positive pregnancy test with “you need to leave”. Thank you for making me do this on my own. Because of you, I have truly earned this Mother’s Day- and every one after. Thank you for giving me no other choice but to be strong; because of you, I will raise our daughters to be nothing less.
I am not being petty at all when I say that I honestly appreciate all of that journey you sent us on. I will forever be grateful for the lessons I’ve learned though being your children’s mother.
Despite how you feel about me, I hope one day you can think of Mother’s Day without rolling your eyes because I have already forgiven you.. I hope soon you will too.
Thank you for giving me the very best of you in the form of freckled cheeks, chubby toes and attached earlobes. Thank you, so much, for making me a mother.
A thank you letter to my ex on mother’s day
Subject: A thank you letter to my ex on mother’s day