To the "Parents" that made me feel wanted

Subject: To the "Parents" that made me feel wanted
From: The Punk
Date: 14 Mar 2016

I'm an overly-dramatic-seventeen-year-old girl. I get mad over insignificant things, I laugh at things that really aren't funny, and I'm considered over dramatic. Most adults talk to me about college or they talk to me because they saw something my mom posted about me on Facebook. Adults in this town have seen me grow up but they still only know what I allow them to. Other than these two reasons, it seems that adults tend to steer clear of teenagers in general, but you didn't.

You came into my life at the beginning of my senior year. I was stressed out 95% of the time and when I wasn't stressed out it seemed that I would find something to stress over or life would be sure to provide something new. At the beginning, I was unsure of you. You were unsure of me. I had a life of heartbreak. I had guards up higher than the Great Wall to protect my fragile heart. I smiled big and laughed often, never letting people see the real me. I was a walking billboard for trust issues and emotional instability. I had spent my life feeling unwanted and I had come to terms with the thought that I would never feel whole.

Needless to say, I was depressed, anxious, and heartbroken. You looked past all my flaws emotionally and physically and took me under your wing. You never realized what I had been through until I had an anxiety attack in front of you. I felt so comfortable telling you my lifelong secrets. It was easy to let my guard down even though everything in me told me “this can’t be right. They’ll hurt you too.” I was always looking for a reason to push you both away because I never wanted to give you the opportunity to make me feel unwanted. I talked to you about everything that had happened and was happening. You gave me advice when I needed it and you listened when I didn't need it. You showed me selflessness, compassion, kindness, and love. You taught me how to become the best version of myself, and you reminded me how strong I was. You taught me how to trust again. You showed me the good in people. I learned how to appreciate the little things again like: a good song, the smell of coffee, and the warmth you get from receiving a hug. But I must say the most valuable thing you ever did for me was believing in me when nobody else did. Telling me that I was brave and making sure I knew I was wanted by at least two people is something that I can never thank you enough for.

You never had to do these things. You had your own family to worry about and your own problems. You had your good days and your bad days just like me, but you chose to listen to me. You dedicated your precious time to making sure I was always okay and making “good choices.” You made sacred pinky promises with me and held me accountable. You respect my ridiculous fears of duct tape and saran wrap. You embrace my sass and sarcasm, But most importantly you both are always ready to listen and give a hug- even if they scare me. Always ready to protect my heart and trust.

So I want to thank you. For showing me that I can trust again and helping me lower those guards. I love you both an infinite amount, even if I never show it. I am so thankful that God placed the two most amazing people in the world in my twisted life. I am lucky to call you my “mom” and “dad”
