A place of scholars and poets and proud Irish Son's and Daughters.
Well it use to be. Now it is bent out of shape corrupted to the core and sold off to the highest bidder. Our political system is nothing short of a circus, where the clowns run around the ring pleasing the fat cats perched up in the ringside seats blocking out all view from a tired ,broke,hungry,audicence.
See that is the problem, even tho the public are allow at the circus, they are only allowed in the cheap seats, where they can't see nor hear anything that is going on.
And dare they complain, well the old bullshite excuses come out.
"Not our fault you could not see"
"Not our fault you could not hear"
"You were there,we're you not?"
The truth is. It will never matter to them, them being the politicians from the biggest parties.
They simply don't care about the general public or the shambles they call a health system.
There are more kids homeless now in 2016 here in Ireland,than ever before.
The elderly are too afraid to go into our hospitals,because they are extremely crowded and under financed and underhand.
Yet the fat cat politicans make sure they squeeze the country dry and make sure their lavish salaries are always the first to get looked after and first to get bonuses.
The general public no longer trust our politicians and who could blame them. They forced every citizen to bail out the banks and when the loss of jobs hit hard and the same banks came knocking on their doors to evict them, the government closed it's hides and blocked it's ears and walked away from the slaughter. Up and down the breath of the country, suicides hit record numbers and still are. Thousands face the eviction courts weekly and even more face the cold embrace of the homeless streets.
Women and kids wandering around our capital city where brave men and women fought for the freedom and the rights of every Irish Son and Daughter. Where brave men and women died to set a country that was being raped by the British for hundreds of years. Only now to find it once again controlled and being raped once again from outside forces..
The politicians have more serious unanswered questions hanging over their heads than any individual in the country. But the same law that will see you or I sent behind bars for less, does not apply to them.
Piece by piece this country is being sold off to the highest bidders. From the land to the trees and the oil to now the water supply.
Not one Irish person believes the Politicians or Government that put on fake faces when saying they won't be privatising the Irish water supply.
From the young to the old, we know they are lying and only telling the public ridiculous stories of how our country will run out if water..
One of the wettest countries in the world run out of water ?.
Still the only country in the EU to allow poison in our water in the form of fluoride.
A country with a population of 4.3 million people made to believe that they were to blame for the financial crash world wide in 2008. A country forced by the powers to be in Brussels and the EU to take on 42% of all of Europe's debt. 4.3million people paying back a debt that doesn't belong to them.
Our politicians will have you believe that the citizens of this country don't paid for the up keep of their water supply. But not only do we pay for it once in some cases twice and three times in the form of general taxation and road tax and many other forms of tax. This is all well noted in government buildings..
Young people leaving school are destroyed learning that they cannot afford the insurance of any car. So they are stuck there in limbo, not knowing their faith. Able to secure jobs but not able to travel to these jobs. Public transport has being cut so much that the buses that use to go at that time in the mornings,don't go anymore. So they are forced to sign on the dole.
Or worst again forced into a job bridge system that enslaves them to work 38 hours a week for 50 euros a week, without contract and extremely slim chance of getting full time employment. Why would any business pay full time wages when you can get slave labour for almost free.
Our politics is backwards, run by two civil war parties that haven't left the Dinosaur years behind them. Election gone these parties found out that they were not given any mandate by the electorate. But they lied their way back into office with the sweet lies and promises,only to turn around and stab the very people that pay their lavish salaries.
Nothing ever changes there.
Our country is not what it seems. A country drowning in corruption,where billionaires get hundreds of millions written off and get loans out of the public banks for 1.5% interest rates only to never pay them loans back,and stick the public with said loans..
Figures released in this extremely small country is that off 11 people take their life's daily.
Our media is controlled and very very rarely tells the truth. It is owned by the same billionaire that can't afford to pay loans back,but can get multi million euro loans written off. Same billionaire who doesn't pay taxes in this country. Yes yes the very same billionaire that somehow his company won the contract to fit the water meters outside everyone's door.
All is not as it seem in Ireland... But for the first time in a very long time,the public can see them for what they are...
And beware of the risen people....... no longer can they chain us all down.
Ireland is not for sale........... And if it was, don't you think it's best actually asking the people that own it. Instead of the people that so call look after it....
2016 Ireland..... is no different from 1916 Ireland...