Recently there has been some devastating tragedies where parents have lost their children and came close to losing their children. The incident with the boy and the gorilla. The tragic accident with the toddler and the alligator. And a 14 year old boy getting lost at Mrytle Beach. The very first thing that people want to say is, "where were the parents?" "Why weren't they watching their kids?"
Let me tell you.. They were!!! Are children not allowed to have fun these days? Are accidents no longer accidents? It is physically impossible to keep your eyes glued to your child every second. Can children not explore things? Can a family not go on vacation or go on an outing and have an accident without the entire world pointing fingers at them and telling them how much they could've done something better? Everyone is so quick to say, "that would never happen to me and my kids!"
Ya know what, you DONT know that! Bad things happen every day to great parents. Things happen in the blink of an eye. Don't you think these parents are already beating themselves up enough? They can't sleep. They can't eat. They can't even open their social media account without a reminder of a tragic mistake. They've been through the worst thing that could ever possibly happen to a parent and instead of getting compassion, empathy and prayers, they are getting bashed and slammed for something that you THINK was preventable. Put yourselves in their shoes for just one second. Just think if it was your family that was packing your sons clothes to head back home from vacation. His little pajamas. His favorite stuffed animal. His little blanket. But he wasn't coming back home with you. Only his little body and painful memories of the moment you COULDNT save your baby. It's heartbreaking to say the least. I've cried so many tears for these parents. And I get outraged when I read the comments of "perfect parents" saying they shouldn't have been there, they should've done this.. They should've done that. STOP. JUST STOP. Have some sympathy for these people. Because they are just that.. PEOPLE. We make mistakes. We wish we done things differently. We wish we could take it all away and wake up from this nightmare. The things that happened to them does NOT make them bad parents. It does not make you any better of a parent than them. You have just been lucky enough that a tragedy like this hasn't happened to you. Don't hide behind your keypad spewing words to them that you wouldn't say to their face.
I'm going to ask you to do something.
Get off of your high horse and stop judging others. And it seems that those who haven't became parents yet are the worst critics. And they are the most unreasonable as to how much better they could handle situations. Like they have super human strengths and magical powers. Super sonic hearing and eyes in the back of their head. Grow up.
What you should be doing is lifting these families in prayer.
This world needs more compassion and less inconsiderate A-holes.
An open letter to parents on their high horse
Subject: An open letter to parents on their high horse
From: Amber Saunders