An open letter to... My overbearing family member, who makes me feel ugly

Subject: An open letter to... My overbearing family member, who makes me feel ugly
Date: 20 Dec 2015

God made me beautiful. My face, exactly how he wanted it to be, is perfect. Yes, there are pimples and blotchy spots sometimes, but that's normal. I am a teenager. And as a teenager, insecurity comes in floods. If my eyebrows aren't just right, or my pimples won't go away, or my hair gets frizzy, it makes me insecure.
Teens from every place and every generation know the feeling. And the fact that I still feel beautiful and I am confident with how I look is something to be proud about. You should not make me feel like I'm not pretty enough to be seen with you or even be in your presence. You should not cover my face with make up when we take family pictures. You shouldn't not make me feel like makeup is the only way I can look beautiful. You should not tell me that everyone looks better with makeup or that everyone my age wears it.
The latter I know is not the truth. But to be frank, I do not care. I don't care that you don't like the way I look because I do and I know God does. I should not have to cover my face with something fake in order to feel pretty enough. And I won't. It's my decision to not wear makeup often and instead of making me feel ugly, you should lift me up. You should tell me that I'm beautiful and God made me perfectly. I don't deserve to have (and be okay with) all of my insecurities plus your negative words. God made me.
He made all of us. We are fearfully and wonderfully made in his image. The bible tells us so. And I see no where that God tells us we need to wear makeup all the time to be beautiful in His eyes. I wish you could appreciate me and how I look more. I wish you would stop making me feel ugly the way you talk about makeup like it's lifesaving. The only thing that's lifesaving is my relationship with Jesus Christ. Not makeup. Nor how you feel about me. I am tired of fighting battles with you about this. And you always winning because of your authority and it's-my-way-or-the-highway attitude that all of the other family members learn to deal with. I will not. I am standing up for myself and my BEAUTIFUL face.
