An Open Letter to My Future Child

Subject: An Open Letter to My Future Child
From: Mom
Date: 16 Sep 2015

Dear potential future child,

The world exists and you exist. It is up to you to find the harmony in both.

Did you know that children are innately curious? They constantly question the intricacies of the world; they are persistent in their questions; they see possibility in everything. They have the questions that no one is able to answer, and because of this society tears them apart. I want you to hold steadfastly to your curiosity because it is important that you question what you are told, question authority, and question the world as a whole.

If you come to the conclusion that school is not a place that you thrive in, it does not matter.

Learning begins the moment we take our first breath and does not cease to be until we take our last, so why bother forcing something that is so beautiful when it happens naturally? Some of the best learning happens far beyond the walls of a classroom. You do not need to believe what others tell you just because they are your teachers, your coaches, your peers, or even your parents. I do not want you to blindly believe what you are told, rather I want you to think critically each and every minute of every day.

Do not be afraid of your emotions whether society tells you that you have too many or too few. The emotions that you have are yours alone, and no one in their right mind can tell you how you should be feeling in any particular instance. Be open with your emotions only to the extent in which you feel comfortable doing so. We have far less control over our emotions than we realize, just try not to fight the ones that you do have. Do not be afraid to love freely, and when I say this I mean do not be afraid to love yourself and others with all of your heart.

Sometimes the world can be quite an exhausting place, and it is perfectly acceptable to shy away from it. There is nothing wrong with desiring to be utterly alone at times, and there is certainly nothing wrong with enjoying your own company. When surrounded by the outside world, I do not want you to feel the pressure to talk when you do not feel comfortable doing so, nor do I want you to hold back when you well and truly have something to say.

There is no need to edit yourself before you speak, but there is nothing wrong with doing so either. You need not label yourself as an introvert or an extrovert, rather become both or become neither.

I do want you to value your alone time, but I also want to provide you with the encouragement to seek solace in others. There is beauty in both camaraderie and escape.

In life, there is no reason to seek reassurance or validation from those around you because the only person that you need as consistent support is yourself. If others do not respect you for it, it is their loss. If you do happen to seek reassurance from others just make sure it doesn't fog up your lens of reality. Be open-minded in life, and do not be afraid to hear those who are in opposition to you; you will become a much stronger person because of it.

Hold steadfastly to your values, but never belittle the values of others. Be flexible when you feel that your values or opinions begin to shift because change is natural, and it would be an unfortunate waste to spend your life with a mind of rigidity. Regardless of what you believe, be respectful. Be respectful to yourself, to others, to the environment, and to the world.

Never in a million years allow society to put constraints on who you are as a person because of your gender, your age, your sexuality, your race or any other aspect that is a core part of you. Your capabilities are limitless, but only if you believe them to be so.

I cannot shield you from the harsh realities of the world, but rather I can give you guidance in seeking a better reality. It is an unfortunate occurrence that I am able to use the words shield and world in the same sentence because the world should not be a place to fear, but a place to love. It would be irresponsible of me to tell you not to be afraid because there is plenty of hurt in the world, but I do not want you to be blinded or jaded by all of it.

You can choose to focus on the greed, the envy, the lust, the gluttony, the pride, and the hatred that exists in this world, but I am imploring you to recognize the human capacity for compassion, humility, hope, resilience, sacrifice, joy and love. Do not disregard the evil that exists, but rather use it as motivation to keep moving forward. There is beauty and there is hurt in the world, but perhaps one cannot exist without the other.

Do not strive to become your best possible self because if you do, you are telling yourself that there is some end in sight to the person you are to become. You will constantly be evolving throughout your lifetime, just be sure not to lose sight of who you are, but it is perfectly okay if you do not know who you are because I am still trying to figure it out for myself.

You do not need to bend to fit into the confines of society. It is society's job to accept you for who you are. Despite the fact that there are 7 billion some people that exist in this world, you are relevant and always will be.

Just remember, that you are your best possible self every minute of every day because you are human, and I love you for it.

