An Open Letter to girls all around who should love there selves unconditionally

Subject: An Open Letter to girls all around who should love there selves unconditionally
Date: 13 Jul 2016

This is an open letter to girls all around, who should know their worth. If you haven't heard it today, you're beautiful and you're worth something. Some days you might be overly stressed or upset but trust me, there is always better days. Wake up early, eat breakfast, put some sugar on your cereal and ignore the scale because you're all beautiful no matter what. Love yourself unconditionally, do what makes you happy. Want to wear some extra eyeliner today but you're scared that people will judge you, do it, do you and flaunt it. There will be times where you will be stuck on a boy, & can't get over it. Life is way too short to worry about boys, trust me, been there done that. Go out and go on an adventure, no one needs a boy to worry about 24/7 get out and meet new people, where that cute shirt that probably shows a little too much skin, but own it girl. Friends come and go, but real friends last a life time. Every girl has there little drama with there friend group, and honestly it sucks, I know, also been there done that, but ignore it, & never push anyone important away, you'll regret it Sooooooo much, and I can't stress that enough. Be kind to one another, girls are supposed to stick together through hard times, not bicker back and forth. We should all love eachother, and love our selves because.. Well... Girls rock!
