Open letter to the friend who was taking advantage of me

Subject: Open letter to the friend who was taking advantage of me
Date: 23 Nov 2016

Dear friend,

I'd just like to say thank you to you today. Because you taught me that not all things are pure. And that i should look deeper into things. That i should look out for myself and not depend on others to do it for me. You taught me that not everybody is nice . But most of all you taught me that even if there are friendships and people like you, there are still real ones out there. You taught me how to differentiate between this and the real thing. You taught me that not everybody deserves your time and effort.
You taught me that you were not worth it. And you also lost someone who would have done anything for you.

But although you taught me all those lessons. You gave me immense amount of pain too. I was in shreds learning that i meant nothing to you , that i was all but like a business deal to you. All you wanted was to achieve a target , an end through me. You made me isolate myself . And all this time when you were doing it i could not bring myself to do bad to you. All this time when you were stealing people from me, all i wondered was how can they not see who you are ir rather what you are?

But then again pain is an essential part of obtaining wisdom. And wisdom, you gave, you gave me wisdom to lean on myself.

A faithful friend you lost
