Open Letter to the Editor-in-Chief of “7 Days Sport”

Subject: Open Letter to the Editor-in-Chief of “7 Days Sport”
From: Krassimir Kanev
Date: 6 May 2015

Dear Sir/Madam,

The print issue of “7 Days Sports,” dating January 18th 2012, published the following front page story: “News from CSKA: An Italian, a Swede and two Negroes.”

The Bulgarian Helsinki Committee received tens of citizen complaints regarding the title of this article.

Тhis title is absurd and racist. The use of the slur “Negro” is unacceptable for any media and runs in direct opposition to all ethical principles, as well as the Law Against Discrimination. Encouraging intolerance and inciting racism among your readers is a scandalous and illicit practice. Every media ought to adhere to the strictest ethical rules when representing information. Needless to say, each individual must follow the law. The use of the racial slur “Negro” instead of following the logical order of the sentence, announcing each soccer player’s nationality (e.g. “Malian” and “Cameroonian”) is a breach of the law, as it demeans people’s dignity.

We urge you to change the title of the online article immediately, as well as to publish an apologetic note in your next print issue. If this does not occur, you will be liable for violating the law before the Commission for Discrimination Protection.

Best regards,

Krassimir Kanev, Director of the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee
