To My Best Friend Who Tried To Lessen Me

Subject: To My Best Friend Who Tried To Lessen Me
From: Anomymous
Date: 18 Oct 2016

Dear “My Best Friend”

We have known each other since elementary school. We were in the same classes for so many years, yet we did not consider each other as friends. I would say we were acquainted, nothing more. At recess we would hang around the same people, but we would hardly talk. We never had any problems until it came to 5th grade. The problem was with a boy that we both liked and he liked me and not her. However when we went to middle school we had almost every single class together and became really good friends (or so I thought). At one point we had a conversation about the boy we used to like and we were like why did we ever have a fight about this, it was so stupid. She and I had befriended a girl named Sarah. Sarah and her were becoming closer and closer, and I was feeling that i was on the outs of the group. But I wasn’t that worried because a girl whom I had played basketball with for a couple of year, named Beth, was going to our middle school. Beth and I had become closer just like you did with Sarah. All four of us had created this tight knit group that was “inseparable”; however, that's only what it looked like one the outside because there was so much drama that was not discussed between all of us. Tension was always there. Beth and I were close and Sarah and you were close. There were two groups inside the large group which would turn out to be fatal. Throughout middle school there were ups and down in our group but nothing major.

When high school rolled around things changed. Our friend group was split up. We had no classes together. I started hearing things that you had said about me. But I didn't believe it because how could one of my “best friends” say such nasty things about me. This went on for about a month. During that month I was in full denial but by the end I was fed up. I had to figure out how to clear everything up. So I decided to talk have a conversation with you to talk about the whole situation. When I confronted you, you acted like everything was perfectly fine and that nothing happened. I asked you if you have been the one calling me a “slut”, “hoe”,”b***h” (these were only a few of the names that you had called me). However you firmly denied calling me any of those names and said that you would never call me such names. You reassured me that I had nothing to worry about. I believed you. The very next day I was at my locker and I heard you around the corner. You had brought up my name and then proceed to call me a “b***h”. But I though that you had told me the day before that names like that would never come out of your mouth. I turned the corner and told you that next time you're gonna talk crap about your “best friend” it would be a good idea if that person wasn’t around. That was the end of my friendship with you.

I just want you to apologize for saying horrible stuff behind my back. Nobody not even your worst enemy should call someone the things you called me. I want you to apologize for lying straight to my face and stabbing me in the back. I want you to realize that saying this stuff about me did not make you any prettier or make me any uglier. Saying that stuff only made me a stronger person. I feel bad that you had to say stuff about someone else just to make you feel better about yourself. You are just a distant memory; however, you taught me a very valuable lesson which was choose your friends wisely. Thanks for everything.

Someone Who Doesn't Care To Know You
