A letter to my dear ex-bestfriend

Subject: A letter to my dear ex-bestfriend
From: Macayla H.
Date: 18 Oct 2016

Dear ex-best friend,

we used to be so close, until you betrayed me, you betrayed our friendship the moment you texted him. We called each other “sisters”, because that’s what it felt like. I felt like i knew them my entire life. We sat by eachother everyday in lunch, we’d go outside and talk about boys and life. We told eachother everything, even if we felt like things were best untold. But we trusted each other with any and everything. I never had a sister to tell anything to, not like how we told each other things.

We laughed over the dumbest things, i never had a friend as goofy as me. You were another me. We met up at “our place” every morning. I loved our friendship because there was literally no drama between me and you. We just had a cool friendship, but like all the other fake friendships in our school we were the only different ones. We were the only ones who didn’t fight or argue.

But that all shattered when i found out you were dating the same person as me. How could you do this to someone? And the crazy thing about it is you weren’t even going to tell me we were sharing the same boy. You didn’t even care how i would feel did you? But i thank you because, you taught me a lesson. You taught me to never trust anyone again. I couldn’t even get mad at him because, all i could think of was how my what i called “sister” could do something like this to me. That, even the kindest people do the evilest things. I wish you the best, because wishing the worst on you, would only make me feel like you, selfish.

Ever since then, i have made friends but because of you i don’t tell my friends anything deep i don’t tell them who i’m dating. I don’t even tell them who i’m talking to. So, thank you. Thank you for teaching me a lesson, because i definitely learned something.


Your ex-friend.
