I will take a bullet before you: An Open Letter to Donald Trump

Subject: I will take a bullet before you: An Open Letter to Donald Trump
From: The Donald number one supporter
Date: 24 Jan 2016

Dear the Donald,

Since day one I have been your number one supporter. My support and fanaticism is so strong that I will risk my like taking a bullet before you. With this I begin my letter.

You are with no question an amazing leader! Today a large group of people support you, a support so strong that no other leader has received since 1922. However since day one I have been your number one supporter. Your hard work and dedication towards accomplishing your goal of becoming the next United States President is with no doubt is heading in the right direction. You have brought to light a group of people like me that have otherwise being ignored by previous presidential candidates and for this I thank you.

When you first decided to run for President you had no idea of how the political system work and even today, you still have a lot to learn yet that didn’t stop you. It’s going to take years for you to completely understand the role as a President but your intention and willingness is what matters most. Even then your first move was amazing! Hiring actors to “act” as if they support of you was fantastic. Displaying such support when you first announced you would be running for US President was not only a great idea; it convinced many people that you had a strong following from the very beginning, even no one really care for you.

You also pay each actor $50.00 for a bit over 3 hours of work. $15.00 an hour might be cheap for hiring actors but since what you really wanted was to portray them as regular folks, $15.00 was clearly an indication of your desired to increase the minimum wage. Great job Mr. Trump, yet you didn't stop there. You also stated so much truth in the following statement: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems and they're bringing those problems with us. "They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists and some, I assume, are good people," Since you were comparing people coming from Mexico to the actors that you have previously investigated and done a complete FBI background. Your statements Mr. Trump were one hundred percent right, every actor had a clear record. But it doesn't stop there; your request for making sure every actor you hired had a clean record didn't stop there. You were also sending a message to everyone that if no system was perfect you will simply take it as far as banning an entire group such as Muslims simply for being Muslims. That’s a system that is one hundred percent effective, thank you Mr. Trump.

You also displayed your leadership skills when you kicked that Univision reporter in one of your conferences. I am sure were simply sending a message to US Representatives and Senators that anyone who opposed your Agenda will get kicked out the minute they raise their voice and whose opinions you do not want to hear or simply disagree. This will not only ensure your role as an absolute dictator. It will also make sure your desired to build a wall bigger and more secure than the Berlin Wall gets approve faster. You will have no issue making sure Mexico pays and build such wall. If Mexico refuses you will send all our troops to Mexico and force them to. Congress will have no option but to support you, they will be too afraid of you to disagree.

Making fun of women was also very clever, when you said: "Look at that face!" "Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?” These comments were clearly not towards Carly Fiorina but all women wanting to run for US President. The United States President face is that of man, great job Mr. Trump!
Best of luck!


One Delusional Trump Supporter
