To the girl who hates me

Subject: To the girl who hates me
From: the one that never meant to do you wrong
Date: 17 Jun 2016

Dear you know who you are,
it took a long time for me to come out of my shell around you. You're imposing and I felt small, my knowledge was nothing compared to you but eventually we became friends, good friends.
Imagine my surprise then, when I finally realised you didn't like me. In fact, it seems you reserve your most hateful thoughts and hurtful words for me.
My question is why? What did I do to hurt you? I thought it was having given you a short notice about my party, but you're not that petty. You're intelligent and above that. I then thought it was Oxford, you were upset I didn't congratulate you (that's what you say to people) but let's face it, I was one of the first to do so.
I guess it really is the jealousy, but you never wanted to date him because that's not you, you just wanted his company. Well I think it's time to open your eyes. He is always there for his friends and you hurt his feelings. Who he goes out with is his business and you can't hate me by association.
So am I wrong? Tell me if I am wrong, and I will take it all back.
I have a few words for you: I don't hate you so you'll have to grow up and stop hating me.
