To a Father who feels wronged

Subject: To a Father who feels wronged
From: The Mother of your Child
Date: 26 Feb 2016

To The Father of my Son,

I hate how things have come to this. Not even able to speak about our sons care but I would like to point out they I have kept a dignified silence up until this point in time. I have not plastered my feelings on Facebook or other social media to cause you harm as you have done to me, and I have never once stopped you seeing our gorgeous boy. The

You are the only person who knows how it felt when Our baby came into this world so poorly. In that box at the hospital being told he might not make it. You saw me laid on the operating table terrified at what was going on but desperate to get our baby here safe. You made me feel like I failed when he wasn't healthy and perfect.

But he is healthy and perfect now. And I understand that you left me and not him and yet you've left him at the side all the same.

I don't know if it's a confidence issue with not being able to manage him or that we have different ideas on what is acceptable parenting that are causing the problems but it is not okay to not bring our son home to me when agreed. It's not acceptable to still be in bed when I drop him off to you in your underwear. It is it not right to have him in your new house and not tell me the address and it is not right to expect me to be okay with your new girlfriend of a few weeks to move in and be a part of my sons life so soon.

I want you to be a part of our child's life. I organised a contact centre so you could see him. I offered you extra visits but you called me a bad mum every time you set foot in my home.

Mostly I want you to understand that I am not trying to be difficult. But I can't hand my baby of 10 months over to someone so I don't trust. The person you have become is a stranger to me. Would you send our son to a stranger?

You shouldn't be a stranger you're his dad. You've agreed to pay to help me support him. I appreciate that.

I want you to be able to spend one on one time with our boy till you are confident with him. I want him to know you and to find the best in you. I don't tell him bad things about you. I still tell him Daddy loves him. I want him to know he is both his parents whole world.

I don't want him to see the things you and your family are putting about me. It's hurtful and untrue. I'm doing the best I can but its hard not to retaliate to you sometimes when your words hurt.

I hope that in the future you manage to build on the trust you have lost and that you can begin to show me some form of respect. I hope that I can move past what's been said about me and how you've behaved for our sons sake.

Mostly I hope we manage to treat each other with mutual respect. We created a beautiful child together. With my eyes and nose and your ears and smile.

Please never abandon him. I know you love him and I know you want to be a good dad. And you are very capable of being a great Daddy to our little man. Please think on how you are currently behaving. Please think if it's all me that's causing the problems. Please think of your son.

Lastly. Thank you for the most precious gift you have given me in him. I will always be grateful to you for that.
