Bob Geldof (a complaint)

Subject: Bob Geldof (a complaint)
From: T. Evans
Date: 16 Sep 2015

Always been a big Bob Geldof(Boomtown)/charity fan/supporter and along with his other millions of fans have probably helped fund the lifestyle and homes he is now handing over to the refugees. While this is a most admirable thing to do I have a Daughter and Granddaughter who have been waiting to be re-housed for 3 years from a two room flat that has damp, ASB problems, fly tipping and drug dealing/abuse in the block etc. Just wish my Daughter had a chance to have a secure, safe home, a bedroom for my Granddaughter and a little bit of garden. How about helping the needy in this country, the people that have contributed to the community, paid their taxes and worked hard and still cant get a decent home.

T. Evans
