Admission of illegal immigrants without Covid testing or vaccination

Subject: Admission of illegal immigrants without Covid testing or vaccination
From: Helen Articolo
Date: 9 Feb 2021

So it is now public policy:our federal government is requiring that all US residents, citizens, and visitors in/or visiting the USA via flights must be Covid tested, possibly multiple times, going to and from their respective destinations, but the Biden administration will admit illegals congregating at our southern border, and release them into the country WITHOUT testing, quarantine, or other reasonable health and safety precaution.IT’S BAD ENOUGH THAT AT RISK POPULATIONS - SENIORS, THOSE WITH CoMORBIDITIES, AND ESSENTIAL WORKERS - ARE BEING JOCKEYED AROUND trying to even find a location with a supply of vaccine where they can schedule an appointment, in many cases months later, and at great distance from their home. And now we are expected to turn a blind eye to this disgraceful policy. All in Congress supporting President Biden’s position on admission of illegal immigrants during this pandemic are derelict in their duties to the people who elected them that they claim to serve.
