
Dear Society As a member of "the Younger Generation" I ask what is it that you want from us? Are you trying to breed us as your successors and the next leaders? or are you trying take everything from us and make us examples to the world as failures? Yeah we're not perfect but you damn sure aren't prefect either. I know some members of the younger generation are known for smoking and drinking but the reality is you don't breed us the right way. You pressure us into being what we shouldn't. When we want to be something you make it impossible for us to reach. Education is what you preach. you brainwash these high school students into thinking that they would benefit from going to college right after high school. well the truth is they won't. College isn't for everybody, not because...
WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT To everyone who has never been sexually abused. Previous Governments of all shades have misused the Official Secrets Act to protect paedophiles. John Mann M.P. has now twice put a motion to Parliament to amend the Official Secrets Act to prevent it being used to do this. Earlier this year to their shame our M.P.s voted against this motion and it was not changed. So John Mann M.P. has again put forward an Early Day Motion in this new Parliament. We as Survivors have been waiting for justice for decades and we will never get it without your support. We are just waiting to be heard. How much longer must we be silent? When will we get justice? Still waiting for our voices to be heard, The upcoming inquiry will only be honest if the Official Secrets Act...
Dear Sen. Paul, We agree with you that Congress should obey the Constitution. We should never engage in foreign wars without a congressional declaration of war, a restraint on military action put in place by our Founding Fathers to ensure lawmakers never send our troops to war without deliberation. But a constitutional war in the Middle East is just as bloody, destructive, and likely to incite terrorism as an unconstitutional war. Our half-century of interventions in the Middle East have been a colossal failure. We have provided arms, military training, and subsidies to virtually every country in the region, inciting continual war and unrest. This has created a breeding ground for international terrorists that pose a real danger to our country and the world — one that would not...
Dear Egypt, This is not a desperate cry from Gaza. I am not writing to beg for your sympathy nor for your help. I am not here to remind you of your duty towards your little sister since you are hardly keeping up with your duty towards your own sons and daughters. I am not writing to tell you that your little sister is dying because I know my tragedy is not something you will care for. I will not ask you to stop pointing your guns towards me nor will I entreat you to loosen up your grip on my neck so that I breathe. I will not sing our Arab unity anthem to solicit you to remember our blood bond because we both know this is nothing but a joke. We both know that the only bond we have is fate. We both agree that being neighbors is no more than a mere divine miscalculation My beloved Egypt...
Respected president , I am 21 year old girl and I have so many questions and I want to take attention of the people towards it and yours too ! There are many people who says girl child is very precious or son or girl is equal they why one have to abort girl child or even not want to give birth to girl child! " Kul ka vansh wage nhi badhega " The each student saying in college that india's education is not valuable ! Why ? Each student want to go abroad and settle down there ? Please try not to make the education business ; and control the increasing number of self finance college and their fees too ! Poor people find hard to study these days ! Please make education same for all ! And I also want to say something about the movie industry! Which has big impact on the new...
Dear Mr. PM, I write to draw your attention towards unreserved category (i.e. general).Earlier when reservation was started on the basis of castes, there was a dire need of that. But today it has taken another course, rather than being a help to eliminate caste system and have all the people at one platform with no inequality, it has become just a tool for politicians to fulfil their personal agenda of winning election and having a good support of certain group of people. This is dividing our country more on the basis of caste which is just opposite to the aim of bringing reservation. There is a need of reviewing reservation criterion and more emphasis should be given on the basis of income for any category rather than category. In scholarship schemes also there should be only income...
This is an open question to any leader, treasurer or candidate of any political party in the world. Our planet is finite, has bounds or limits in regards to the temporal spans of the human experience, being corroborated by measurements of biocapacity, the ability of an area to produce resources and absorb waste. We are currently in ecological overshoot, the amount of resources we consume annually and the waste we produce is exceeding biocapacity by about fifty percent. Our ecological footprint is one hundred fifty percent that of the biocapacity of our planet. Global consumption patterns which drive the capitalist economic model, the dominant economy on our planet, generating vast financial wealth to a steadily decreasing amount of our human population, are destroying planetary...
For a while, I've been debating whether I should write this open letter or not. I've never been someone to strongly express my views, but with many of my friends and acquaintances sharing strongly-worded opinions, I've felt the need to clarify a few things. First, let us not lose sight of what's ultimately happening here: We have a constitution. We are voting to change this constitution. Whether this change is a positive or a negative thing will be determined by national vote. Our constitution is an integral part to our country. By its nature a constitution must change and adapt over time, but these changes should never be taken lightly. If you want to make an informed and unbiased decision then please go straight to refcom2015.ie or even read the constitution. Every other...
My own little Black Spider letter, After initially hearing about the letters that Prince Charles has been sending over the years to key politicians I wasn't particularly interested. After all, what future king isn't going to pay some interest in his country and the state it's in? Then seeing peoples' differing reactions to the letters made me want to take a better look at the topic. From the outside, before I began to catch glimpses of the letters, my initial opinion was that these were private letters and as long as there is nothing unjust going on then they shouldn't be published. They are typically the sort of thing that might surface after someone passes away and give a nice retrospective as to their intentions. Now Prince Charles is being painted as either a 'meddling'...
Dear fellow voters, Tomorrow we will decide on who will govern us for the next five years, and it will be the first general election that I actively participate in. In previous elections I felt that by voting I was condoning a broken system, the illusion of democracy, and I didn’t want any part of the whole sordid affair. What’s the bloody point? They’re all the same aren’t they? And then the Tories got in. I have to say I was reticent to speak up at all. I don’t seek to be the target of trolls and my objective isn’t to upset anyone. My opinions are no more valid than anyone elses, but I have a platform that most don’t, and I ‘m regularly told that I should use it. I should be clear that I am not a Labour party member, and I find it easier to get behind the full-blooded policies...
