
Dear xenophobic bogans, Imagine you’re at the beach smashing a slab of VB tins with a few mates. Brayden removes his Bintang singlet to proudly display his hectic Ned Kelly/Southern Cross back piece, Jayden is, by his own admission, "Swole as fuck for Stereo, brah, YEEEEW", and Kymberleigh-Montana-Dakotah-Kruze is lungin’ durries like a champion and saying "Cunt" a lot. From a distance, you notice a group of people huddled at the shore. As you get closer, you see the limp, lifeless body of a fully clothed toddler face down in the cold, wet sand. Imagine how horrifying this would be. As you probably know, Aylan Kurdi—a three-year-old asylum-seeker from war-torn Syria—drowned alongside his mother and brother this week whilst seeking refuge from hell on earth. His tiny corpse rag...
Most people of the world think that the United Nations Treaty of Human Rights is only for refugees. This is a false notion. We are all covered by its protections which you should read and know here http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/index.shtml With America becoming a police state, almost 300,000 Americans are moving to Canada and abroad to begin a new life every year. This is a right every person has. Yet PM Stephen Harper does not want you if you are a whistle-blower or someone who knows about his secret crimes and treaty violations. While most Canadians hold George W. Bush and Dick Cheney in contempt as modern day war criminals, PM Harper has actually come out and praised the pair and even endorsed torture as a legitimate "intelligence tool". So when American federal agent...
Dear Senator Sanders, On behalf of the Organic Consumers Association, which represents more than 1 million Americans, I ask that you take the lead in protecting the right of consumers to know if their food contains genetically modified organisms (GMOs) by issuing a public statement opposing HR 1599, the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act, and by urging your fellow senators to oppose a Senate version of this bill. On July 23, 2015, the US House of Representatives passed HR 1599, a bill written by the biotech and processed food industries that preempts states' rights to pass laws requiring the mandatory labeling of GMOs, and would prevent passage of a federal mandatory GMO labeling law. In other words, if this bill becomes law, US consumers will be permanently deprived of this...
HIS IS HOW THEY DO BUSINESS IN GLACE BAY, NOVA SCOTIA. My Proposal for a $2,000,000 Snow Crab License (Scotia-Fundy Region) was ignored by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia because of political discrimination. http://pgfraser.blogspot.ca "You're right Paul, politics has no place in the decision making process at DFO" This statement was quoted to me in person, from a high profile member of parliament. 2 - $2,000,000 Snow Crab Licenses given out to Fishermen (neighbours) from Glace Bay, Cape Breton both connected to politics. 2 - $2,000,000 Snow Crab Licenses were to be shared with the "Groundfish Dependent Fishermen" and the "Glace Bay Fishermen's Association." 1 - $2,000,000 Snow Crab License holder is the former President of Local 6, "...
प्यारे बिहार वासियों, सबसे पहले मै अपना परिचय दे दू | मै उदय संजय पोफली महाराष्ट्र के गोंदिया से आता हु और हाल ही में मुझे महाराष्ट्र नवनिर्माण सेना का गोंदिया जिले के लिये प्रचार प्रमुख बनाया गया है | मै बहोत दिनों से आपसे बात करना चाहता था पर उचित समय का इंतजार मुझे रोके हुए था | मेरी उम्र अभी २५ साल है और इन २५ सालो में जो बिहार मै समझ पाया हु, उसे देख कर मुझे बहोत दुःख हुआ | जिधर देखो उधर गुंडई, बेटी घर के बाहर नही जा सकती, पढाई गोल, बिजली गोल, पानी गोल | जातीवाद के बारे में तो पूछो मत साहब मौका मिले तो एक दूजेका सिर फोड़नेके लिए चौबीस घंटे तैयार | कौन है इसकेलिए जिम्मेदार? कभी सोचा है आपने? आप या मै? जरा सोचिये जवाब आपके पास ही है | इसके लिए जिम्मेदार है आपके नेतागण चाहे वह जिस किसी भी पार्टी के हो | इन्होने आपको ६० सालो तक लढाया है | ब्राह्मण, यादव, जाट, राजपूत, अगड़ा, पिछड़ा,...
Only George Bush broke more hearts than Stephen Harper - They both did it in bulk. Here is how and why... In 2004-2006 Canada 's PM Stephen Harper aka "Secret Steve" received a phone call from George W. Bush aka "War Criminal" who said something like this... "If you let those Iraqi kids get organ transplants in Toronto from the volunteer soldiers of Canada and America there will be a lot a publicity and people will want to know just how many kids were really killed and maimed. If they learn that over 2,000 children were killed and over 8,600 lost limbs or got leukemia from our depleted uranium weapons, the public will be pissed. So please just don't give those Iraqi kids visas to come to Canada for those life saving surgeries okay? Do this for me Stevie and I will make sure we buy...
Dear Dr. Carson: As leaders of the nation’s largest veterans organizations, with more than 5 million active members, we vehemently disagree with your dangerous proposal to eliminate the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care system for America’s veterans. Eliminating the VA health care system – considering all that it has done in the past and all that it could be in the future – would inevitably endanger the health and well-being of millions of wounded, injured and ill veterans, an outcome that we cannot allow to occur. Dr. Carson, we do not question your intentions to improve the lives of those who have served; your life’s work speaks clearly to your dedication to the lives of others. Nor do we dispute your observation that VA today faces very serious problems and...
National Security Council The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, DC 20500 September 10, 2014 To the distinguished staff at the National Security Council, As President Barack Obama and the National Security Council team have stated unequivocally over the past week, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) is one of the most dangerous national security threats that the United States faces in the world today. The organization's penchant for absolute and undiscriminating brutality against civilians -- men, women and children alike -- is a shock to the conscience of the world in the 21st Century. Only the United States, with its military capability, dedicated intelligence professionals, diplomatic prowess, and leadership qualities, can best degrade and ultimately...
Querido Señor Rubio: I am not a Republican. However, after years of studying Plato, I have taken to heart his message from The Republic, and consider it my personal responsibility, as a member of a democracy, to educate myself about the relevant issues in our society. And so I tuned into the recent Republican presidential debate. And I have to admit I was very proud of you, for our backgrounds are extremely similar. I too was born in Miami, the daughter of Cuban exiles; my father was imprisoned by the Castro government. I grew up playing in the streets of Little Havana. I attended and got my Bachelor's degrees from Florida International University, where you currently teach some courses. So, despite our political disagreement, my heart welled with pride seeing you up on that stage....
An Open Letter to the Premier of Ontario September 28, 2015 To: Premier of Ontario Dear Ms. Kathleen Wynne, As the Premier of Ontario, you have a mandate to serve and treat every and each person who lives and works in the Province of Ontario I am the owner and operator of a small independent Mom...
