
I am a white #blacklivesmatter supporter. I support the movement and what it stands for, black lives do matter. The movement has raised awareness of police brutality along with #sayhisname and #sayhername. As a white person I cannot speak for black people but I want to support the fight against our society's blatant racism along with microagressive racism. I am not a black voice, I know I am unable to speak from the same perspective from being silenced, I am acknowledging that I am still speaking from a place of privilege of having a voice. But I am trying to talk as an ally as well, I don't want to offend any POC by speaking for them, but I also do not want to stay silent on this. I am a #blacklivesmatter supporter not an #alllivesmatter supporter not because all lives do not...
Dear David Cameron, I am not against refugees. I think if there is a genuine reason to flee a country and seek safe haven then that is alright. However, an engineered crisis on the same level as the non-existent swine flu is a different matter. Do you remember Swine flu? A non-existant illness with a click-word for the sheeple - H1-N1, to make them think they knew about it? Do you remember the damage to the world that deserted shops and frightened vulnerable people did? All for an illness that wasn't even serious, if it even existed, a mild form of flu at most, that didn't even kill like normal winter flu can. I remember the desparate fight by the NHS and the press to make deaths into Swine Flu deaths, and my horror that people en masse could be stupid enough to live in fear of...
Dear Mr Cameron, On Wednesday morning this week I returned to work at 0800. I worked the weekend in Intensive Care as a junior doctor, for your information I was working from 2000 to 0900 on Friday, Saturday and Sunday i.e. I was part of the team that provided a 24 hour, 7 days a week, 365 days a year service. My consultant started his weekend of work at 1700 on the Friday. He finished at 0800 on Monday morning. He didn't go home until well after we had started our night shift and he was in before we went home in the morning. We also disturbed him overnight to tell him about our unstable patients. He didn't grumble once. Our anaesthetic consultant didn't grumble when we took a patient back to theatre for bleeding in the middle of the night, nor did he grumble when he was anaesthetising...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday hit out at the Congress for not allowing parliament to function during the monsoon session, terming it ‘hawalabaaz’ (corrupt) and accusing it of creating roadblocks for the government.
Dear Rudy, I realize that you don't know me, but I hope you won't mind if I refer to you as "Rudy." Anyway, I am writing to you because, frankly, you said some things about President Obama that confused me. I hope you can clarify some things. During a private dinner held in New York City for possible GOP 2016 presidential contender, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, you said: "I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America. He doesn't love you. And he doesn't love me. He wasn't brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country." "I do not believe that the president loves America." So, Rudy, let's break down your statement. When you say that "I do not believe that the...
Respected Modiji, Few days back, while addressing a public rally in Bihar, a comment was made by you about my DNA. The issue has been troubling many of us since then. Now, as you are scheduled to visit the state again, I am writing to you on behalf of those who have felt hurt by your statement. Your words have been taken as an insult by a large section of the people of the state and beyond. Most of us also feel that coming from you, the comment is rather unbecoming of the office you hold. But, this is not the first time that we have faced this. Earlier as well, your colleague and BJP leader, Mr. Nitin Gadkari had said that "casteism is in the DNA of Bihar". Interestingly, these are the same people who reposed their faith in you and contributed towards electing you to the highest...
Dear Sarah, As a former fundamentalist, I'd like to call you on what you are doing. This is not about disrespecting your private beliefs. But you have a huge conflict of interest here by running for office and you can't have it both ways (see Jesus' words in John 2:15). You have not been honest about the most important thing about you: the fact that you are a born-again, literal Bible-believing, fundamentalist Christian. Most people who have never been entrenched in the subculture of fundamentalist Christianity may not understand what this really means, but I do. Like you, I was raised in the Assemblies of God and I was a zealous part of the Jesus Movement. Like you, my life was consumed with seeking God's will for my life and awaiting the imminent return of Jesus. It's clear...
Opinions of the British monarchy are now somewhat mixed, but the Queen enjoys the respect of many of her subjects. The monarchy has re-invented itself before; I think it is now time for the monarch to become the ‘defender of democracy’. While it is no longer appropriate flor the monarch to be partisan, I see know reason why the Queen cannot speak out in favour of democracy. British (and Canadian and Australian) Prime Ministers have far too much power. There are too many decisions that ministers make in the Queen’s name without Parliament getting a look in. Of especial concern at present are the massive trade treaties being negotiated in secrecy through the European Union. Member states will have the opportunities of ratifying the treaties (or not as they choose). In most members states...
Dear Senator Toomey, As I am sure you know, the nation learned in the last several days that not only will the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) likely be put up for a long overdue vote next week by Sen. Harry Reid, but also that the three remaining members of the Senate Democratic Caucus who were not yet supporters of the bill, now indicate their support. These Senators have added their voices to the majority of the Senate which supports this bill, including a number of your Republican colleagues who have either signed on as co-sponsors or voted the bill out of Committee. In short, Senator, I believe that there is no single piece of civil rights legislation in existence that is more impactful to members of the LGBT community than a fully inclusive ENDA. This legislation does...
September, 4th 2015 Open letter to My Elected Leaders: President Obama United States Congress Governor Haslam Tennessee Legislature Mayor McFarland City of Murfreesboro TN, City Council Dear Elected Leaders, My name is Nathan Oshop, on August 4th 2015; I became the Victim of a violent crime. I was not physically injured; however the psychological and emotional injuries were profound. Up until the night of august fourth I worked part time delivering pizzas in my city of Murfreesboro Tennessee. I was lured to an address with a phony order. As I was settling back into the driver’s seat of my vehicle, a hand held my shoulder as two guns were pointed at my head. There were 3-5 attackers. They were calm, cool, and collected. They were young of age; yet very capable I...
