
Department of Justice, My name is Daniel Herrick, a resident of Pennsylvania and natural born citizen of the United States of America. I am writing to you because the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has determined that the right to personal privacy protected by the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution no longer applies. Just over a month ago, in a 4-2 ruling, the PA Supreme Court determined that law enforcement officers no longer require a warrant to search a vehicle. Here are the details of the case as released by the media: • Two police officers pulled over a sport-utility vehicle driven by Shiem Gary because they believed its window tinting was too dark. • The officers then claimed they smelled marijuana coming from the SUV and that Gary told them there was "weed" in the...
Dear Sir, This is regarding the internal security of what is called as "Bharatmata" by every citizen of this country!! You said and it is evident that you respect and love this country as "Mother" and everyone including you and me call it as "Bharatmata"! Now, one question: who is the "Bharatmata"? Is it this soil or this air which flows in this country? I believe, it is every citizen, every human of this country. Every mother, every sister and and every daughter too!! But, what is happening to "Bharatmata" now? You are the PM. Aren't you aware that since quite a long, some rascals, some scoundrels have been doing the MOST HEINOUS SIN - "RAPE"? Those 6 years, 14 years, 15 years, 22 years victims are not the part of "Bharatmata"? Why there are no tears in the eyes of PM for this? Why...
“Los Gobiernos pasan y el país queda…" Nelson Mandela Referencia grata y vigente, de un marco real a las vivencias politicas de nuestro mundo actual, hummm? Deja mucho que pensar. Entrego el dejar de hacerlo por el actuar, con la siguiente propuesta; Gobiernos corruptos, indiferentes a las clases sociales menos favorecidas.Estos mismos, además de traer como consecuencia, la supuesta revolución socialista, embasuran con sus ofrendas el verdadero producto de su enmascarada corrupción. Buscan un cambio de mayor igualdad, proponen y prometen. El repartir, ya casi un regalo del pueblo para el pueblo, mejor dicho de la tierra pa todos; la renta petrolera pareja o como los educados economistas dicen “balanceada”, en fin tratando de mejorar con palabras ponen la buena ca...tastrofe....
Dear Kimberley (or Ms. Johnson, if you prefer) I’ll do the obligatory espousal of my respect for you to begin: I read many of your articles, follow you on facebook, and respect your ‘go f**k yourself/deal with it’ attitude, as I see it. Usually you represent exactly what I want the world to be and in general, I want my children to live in communities and societies that you’ve helped to build, so thank you for doing what you do. GO FEMINISM. There. Done. So of course I recently became aware of Monica Lewinsky’s charges against feminism for not rising to her defense during the scandal, and I casually considered its merits. I hadn’t considered its erroneousness really so I agree it’s important to interrogate people’s intentions when co-opting feminism for selfish ends while...
Madam Chancellor We are writing to you from the southernmost point of Europe as representatives of the Philosophical School of Pythagoras. We are concerned that exactly 100 years after the beginning of the First World War, the world once again stands on the brink of World War. Germany knows all too well what price has to be played in this case. At the beginning of the 21st century Germany has initiated the construction of a united Europe on the basis of good-neighborhood and cultural and economic cooperation. Today Germany is a symbol of peace and stability in Europe. It is no coincidence that in Germany a chancellor is a woman. Women have the ability to solve problems peacefully and are able to take care of things holistically as a good house-mistress in her home. You, Ms....
Madam Chancellor! We are writing to you from the southernmost point of Europe as representatives of the Philosophical School of Pythagoras. We are concerned that exactly 100 years after the beginning of the First World War, the world once again stands on the brink of World War. Germany knows all too well what price has to be played in this case. At the beginning of the 21st century Germany has initiated the construction of a united Europe on the basis of good-neighborhood and cultural and economic cooperation. Today Germany is a symbol of peace and stability in Europe. It is no coincidence that in Germany a chancellor is a woman. Women have the ability to solve problems peacefully and are able to take care of things holistically as a good house-mistress in her home. You, Ms....
Leopoldo, Hoy siento una tristeza inmensa y me visita el llanto; es mucho el tiempo con este sentimiento por mi país y su gente, por los estudiantes, por los líderes, por los presos políticos, por ti. Pero al mismo tiempo tu ejemplo de lucha me fortalece, crece mi Esperanza y mi Fe, siento que puedo dar mis pasos con más fuerza, convicción y resistencia que antes. La salida está cada vez más cerca y tu salida también. Tu entrega me cambio, cambio a la venezolana, a la esposa y a la madre. Cambio la historia y cambio el presente de Venezuela. Los venezolanos estamos presos contigo Leopoldo, de tu mano todos los días construyendo coraje, como te escribió Simonovis. Siento el compromiso con cada noticia, esta es mi lucha también, la de todos los venezolanos. Tengo unas ganas enormes de...
Dear Kennedy Stewart, I am writing to ask you to stand up for the rights of Canadians, and oppose Bill C-23, the so-called "Fair Elections Act." This bill thwarts democracy in many ways, but I believe the worst part is the new Amercian-style voter ID laws that are being brought in. The Act would end the use of vouching to establish a voter's identity, as well as abolishing the use of voter ID cards from Elections Canada as way to prove one's identity. This will make it more difficult for Canadians to vote, especially those living in poverty. Under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, all Canadian citizens have the right to vote. This right is subject to reasonable limits under Section 1, but the restrictions that would be imposed by Bill C-23 are not justified. If a voter...
Dear Mr Cameron As your ministers and officials gather for the “Cobra” security meeting today in the wake of the hacking to death of a soldier in Woolwich, South East London, please consider this. As the shock of the incident begins to wear away, this is a wake-up moment for you, your Government and the country. It is simply not good enough to punish the men responsible by housing them in one of Her Majesty’s Hotels with free board and lodging. This is terrorism. You need to display courage and determination in responding to this horrific killing of an off-duty soldier. The images of the blood-stained assassin cleaver-wielding without remorse have shocked us all. This is now the time to consider the reinstatement of the death penalty. Please ask your Cobra colleagues to think about it...
Dear Mr Davey As you know from reading the papers, the scientific journals, and no doubt from your press briefers, for the first time in human history, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has passed 400 parts per million. Doesn’t sound much does it? The last time such levels were seen on earth was before human history: the Arctic had no ice, sea levels were 40 times higher than now, and lush savannah plains spread across what is now the Sahara desert. You have seen warnings of this before, so we know that unless we curtail the burning of gas, oil and coal, the temperature level of the planet will rise above 2 degrees. That’s the level where catastrophic environmental consequences will be triggered. The International Energy Agency has said that on current emission...
