Open Letter to Republican Party

Subject: Open Letter to Republican Party
From: Tom Dean
Date: 23 Oct 2016


OK, it’s time for all Republicans to have a “Coming to Jesus” moment and realize just how close Hillary is to being elected and what that will mean for the destruction of the Country as we know it. Obama said he will “fundamentally change” this country and he has. Hillary will complete that task with the type of judges she has boldly stated she will appoint to the Supreme Court and her “path to citizenship” for illegals.

So, all you Republican leaders, pundits, elected office holders (past and current) and everyday people who have decided NOT to support our nominee, I strongly ask you to reconsider, as the consequences are just to grave for the future of our nation. Not like in past elections, where four years later maybe we could change things, the Conservative/Republican voice will not be large enough on the national level to effect any change. Ask Republican voters in liberal states like California what it feels like to have your vote be meaningless and you will really see disenfranchised voters.

I too wish our nominee was someone else, but he is what the people want and at this point in time I’m all in behind him, because I too am tired of politicians saying one thing and doing another once they get elected. I truly believe Trump will make the effort we have wanted our elected officials to do for many election cycles—get our fiscal house in order, cut federal regulations freeing up our economy and protect and defend both this Country and our Constitution.

In past elections many of our Republican leaders that are openly against Trump NOW, have asked us to hold our nose and vote for the Party’s nominee and many people just like me have done so hoping and praying for the best, only to be disappointed more by each passing election. And now you Elitists are openly advocating actions you know will get Hillary elected, which tells me the future of our Country isn’t the driving force behind your public service.

There are many like-minded people that see these actions as betraying our party but more importantly betraying our Country. So if the Party Elitists don’t get off their high horse and actively work for a Republican victory in November, I will no longer be a Republican and will not support Republican candidates up or down the ballot and I dare say many others share my feelings.

I truly hope, for the posterity of every generation to come, that everyone who believes Freedom and our Republic is only one election away from extinction will see the light and prevent Hillary from ever being President of our Great Land.

Tom Dean
