Eugene Police Department: Safety Town

Subject: Eugene Police Department: Safety Town
From: Adam
Date: 30 Jun 2016

Every summer the Eugene Police Department does an incredible thing for incoming kindergartners. They run a summer camp to teach kids about safety. As a parent of two children (one of whom went to Safety Town), I can say without a doubt that this camp is an invaluable asset to our community.

However, I have one major concern. The camp uses NRA teaching materials. The NRA's political actions make our kids less safe, not more. They believe suspected terrorists on the "no fly list" should be able to buy guns, they believe assault weapons designed for military use should be sold to the public, they believe it is okay to sell guns without doing universal background checks, they believe that domestic abusers and the mentally ill should be allowed to buy guns, and they believe the government should not research gun violence as a public safety issue. As a result, we live in a nation where every year guns kill more toddlers than police officers.

Equating the NRA with gun safety for children is a complete farce. If the Eugene Police Department really cares about the safety of our children, they will sever any connection they have with this despicable organization.
