An Open Letter to the Girl Who Helped Break the Relationship

Subject: An Open Letter to the Girl Who Helped Break the Relationship
From: The outsider looking in
Date: 19 Apr 2016
Dear you, the girl who helped rip the relationship into pieces... I watched. I saw the beginning and after math. The relationship you decided to butt in on, is now in ashes. A total disaster. And you? You didn't care. You don't care, as a matter of fact. You're just happy because you got what you want. Before you came along, the couple was happy. Well, about as happy as a couple could be at that given point. And then everything changed... You popped into the picture, and then worked your way in. You broke not only the relationship, but the other girl. You remember her, right? The one who was dating him, before you? You know, the one you guys had to be careful not to show anything to? The one you guys worked and snuck around? Yeah, that girl. She's devastated. She is wondering if she's good enough for anyone anymore. If she's even good enough for herself anymore. You may not recognize it, or maybe you just do not care. But she is broken. You took her happiness, her other person, her relationship. You let your selfish ways of lust creep in. And maybe? Maybe he approached you. Maybe he brought you in first. But then again? It's still your fault. You stayed, you knew about the other "her" and you chose to stay. You destroyed a girl's mind, heart, and emotional stability. Some future advice? Be prepared. You think he won't do this to you? Maybe you're right, but then again... Maybe you're wrong. He's done this before, who's to say he won't again? And maybe this isn't the first time he's done this. You know, brought another girl in to tear up the relationship with him. You know... It sickens me. It sickens me how you decided to help him tear up not only a relationship, but also a girl. For all you know, she's not even living anymore. Maybe physically, but who is to say mentally? And you don't care. You waited for the break up so you could start posting pictures of him and you, showing the world your new happiness. Just remember you're also showing her. And just know that when he does this to you, you will be in her place. And everything you did to her, to that relationship, will be done to yours if not more. You will be next. The next broken, devastated one. You will soon be the "her" and wonder why or how anyone could ever do that to a relationship. But wait? You just did.
